16. April 2024

Boards that mean the world!

The student ensemble is looking for new talent for joint theater productions.

Have you ever dreamed of being on stage and slipping into a different role? Have you always wanted to unleash your creative side and create something great together with others?

In the 2023/24 season, students interested in theater will once again have the opportunity to participate in the "StudierendenEnsemble" and discover and experience their passion for theater.

Under the new direction of Janika Stelley, who is currently studying childhood education at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and is a founding member of the StudierendenEnsemble, the connection between the university and the theater will continue.

Exciting adventures and artistic development opportunities

The StudierendenEnsemble is a safe place where students can express themselves artistically in a community. They can let out their emotions and energy or create new ones and experience the exciting process of creating and developing a play from text to performance. The performances always take place in the Görlitz Apollo Theater. 

For the upcoming production, we are looking for anyone who enjoys being in the spotlight, writing texts or would like to design a stage set or costumes. This includes: trying out lots of things, overcoming challenges together and having lots of fun. The premiere is scheduled for 22.06.

What do you need?

Comfortable clothes, a change of shoes/socks and enough to drink.

  • When? - Thursdays 6 - 9 p.m.
  • Where? - An der Obermühle 5, 02826 Görlitz

Have we piqued your interest?

Then simply contact Janika Stelley , find out more and join in. Information also in the flyer.

Your contact person

Janika Stelley


Instagram:  @das_studierendenensemble