
Rent, food and semester fees - studying costs money. There are various ways to finance your studies - from BAföG to taking out a student loan, a part-time job or a scholarship. We have put together some helpful links below.

  • BAföG

    The Federal Training Assistance Act (BundesAusbildungsförderungsGesetz) is intended to give everyone, regardless of their social and economic situation, the opportunity to complete their desired course of study.

    For all students at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, the Studentenwerk Dresden's Office for Educational Support is responsible. Contact details and office hours can be found on the Studentenwerk website

    Further information and a link to the online BAföG application can be found on this website  of the Studentenwerk.

  • Scholarships

    Only the best get a scholarship? Wrong, the committed, the convinced and many others can also apply for a scholarship and be successful. In addition to talent, commitment in an honorary position, for example, can convince a scholarship provider. Or scholarships are aimed at specific groups, e.g. mothers who are studying or doing a doctorate, lateral thinkers, non-academics, foreign students, refugees or people returning to university. 

    • The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences has been participating in the Deutschlandstipendien program since 2011. You can find information on how to apply here: Deutschlandstipendium at the HSZG 
    • Scholarships that are processed by the Studentenwerk Dresden can be found on the Studentenwerk's website : "Study financing with the help of a scholarship"
    • You can find out which scholarship is right for you at with a self-test and some tips.
    • You can find a comprehensive guide to getting and keeping a scholarship at
    • Scholarship organizations support students with outstanding achievements financially and ideally in their academic education. There are 13 funding organizations in Germany that award scholarships to students and doctoral candidates. You can find an overview of the Begabtenbeförderungswerke on our scholarships page. 
  • Education and student loans

    Students can finance their living costs during their studies with a student loan. They only pay back the loan over a longer period of time after their studies. Student loans are available from many loan providers. However, some offers are limited to certain courses or universities. With others, the repayment amount depends on your future salary, so the conditions are uncertain in advance. You should only take out a loan if scholarships, BAföG, parental support or a part-time job are not sufficient.

    Studentenwerk Dresden is a partner of the KfW development bank and arranges KfW student and educational loans as part of this partnership. Further information can be found on the Studentenwerk Dresden website: Student financing with the help of educational and student loans

  • Student part-time jobs

    Students can use our online job portal to search for student part-time jobs free of charge and without prior registration. Companies offering internships, supervising final theses, working students or graduates are also listed in this portal with their current offers. 

    Detailed information and current offers can be found on the pages of the online job exchange.

  • Housing benefit

    Housing benefit helps people on low incomes with their housing costs and must be applied for at the local housing benefit office. However, students are rarely entitled to housing benefit.

    Further information can be found on the website of Deutsches Studentenwerk e.V.: Housing benefit  

  • Discounts for students

    There are a number of benefits for students: You can be exempted from some fees and receive assistance.

    Further information on the website of Deutsches Studentenwerk e.V.: Benefits for students

  • Help in a financial emergency

    If you find yourself in a temporary emergency situation during your studies that is not of your own making, the social counseling service of Studentenwerk Dresden will try to help you. 


Consulting services

The HSZG supports you in all situations. Here you will find an overview of our contact persons for various challenges.