
An educational location with tradition

The Upper Lusatian "League of Six Cities" was one of the most important alliances of cities in Europe in the Middle Ages. Jakob Böhme from Görlitz was the first philosopher to begin publishing his writings in German at the end of the 16th century. 100 years later, Christian Weise performed school comedies in Zittau, breaking new ground in humanist education and attracting attention throughout Europe.

With the growth of the cities and increasing prosperity, education and craftsmanship developed to a remarkable quality in the Middle Ages. With industrialization, "higher educational institutions" emerged, particularly in mechanical engineering, the textile industry and construction.

Zittau and Görlitz educational institutions gained a good reputation throughout Germany. The student and graduate association "Zittauer Bauhütte", for example, played a key role in shaping German construction until well into the 20th century. Founded in 1779, the "Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften" is considered one of the first scientific academies in Europe. In addition to outstanding intellectuals from the region, internationally renowned personalities such as Wilhelm von Humboldt were also members of this society.

After the world wars, available functional buildings, teaching materials and outstanding experts in Zittau and Görlitz led to the founding of universities and technical colleges. They became leading educational establishments for entire branches of industry in the GDR.

After reunification, the German Science Council decided in 1992 to establish a university of applied sciences due to the high practical relevance of the existing universities, their quality and the expected demand for university graduates. A modern educational institution was created at the dual location of Zittau and Görlitz.

The accession of Poland and the Czech Republic to the European Union represents a new challenge and development opportunity for the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. In the "International Network NEISSE UNIVERSITY", new paths of educational cooperation were taken with the universities of Liberec (CZ) and Wrocław (PL).

Historical development and predecessor facilities


Foundation of the "Sechsstädtebund"


"Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences" in Görlitz


Opening of the "Königlich Sächsische Gewerbeschule" in Zittau


Foundation of the Zittau "Baugewerkenschule"


Foundation of the "State Mechanical Engineering School" in Görlitz


"Higher state technical college" in Görlitz


Reopening of the "Civil Engineering School" in Zittau


Foundation of "Technical school for rail vehicles" in Görlitz


Dr. Robert Mayer" School of Engineering for Energy Management in Zittau


"Engineering school for mechanical engineering" in Görlitz


"Engineering School for Electronics and Information Processing" in Görlitz


Zittau University of Engineering


Zittau University of Technology


13.07. Foundation of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (FH)


Renamed University of Applied Sciences Zittau Görlitz (FH)


Renaming of the university to "Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz - University of Applied Sciences"

Annual milestones and highlights


  • 13.07. Foundation of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (FH)
  • Appointment of the first 19 professors
  • Enrolment of the first 192 students
  • Members of the university management: Founding Rector Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. oec. Peter Dierich, Vice-Rector Education Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Holger Theilig, Vice-Rector Research Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Klaus Meyer, Chancellor Dr.-Ing. Peter Reinhold
  • Founding Deans: Faculty of Civil Engineering - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Eberhard Kothe; Department of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Herbert Kindler; Department of Mechanical Engineering - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lischke; Department of Mathematics/Natural Sciences - Prof. Dr. rer. oec. habil. Gerhard Große; Department of Social Sciences - Prof. Dr. rer. soc.Hermann Heitkamp; Department of Economics - Prof. Dr. sc.oec. Peter Hedrich


  • Renamed the University of Applied Sciences Zittau Görlitz (FH)
  • University logo confirmed by the founding senate
  • Formation of an independent study reform commission: Development and resolution of a proposal for the future design of the educational profile at the university
  • Enrolment with the first cheerful start to the semester on the Oybin


  • First university newsletter published
  • 1st University Day with honorary colloquium on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liquid gas company Tyczka GmbH & Co and endowment of the Dr. Tyczka Energy Prize
  • Commissioning of the amateur radio club station


  • Senate resolution to carry out an eco-audit and implement the principles of ecological action at the university
  • 1st International Electrical Engineering Olympiad Neisse -Elektro 2000
  • Senate resolution to establish the IPM, IRE, IÖU institutes


  • First committee elections: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Dierich as Rector, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rudolf Förster as Vice-Rector Education, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Reichel as Vice-Rector Research
  • Connection to the broadband science network
  • Last graduates of the Zittau University of Technology leave the university


  • Federal President Roman Herzog as a guest
  • Separation of the Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science into the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Foundation of the Department of Languages with preparatory college and language center
  • Introduction of cooperative engineering education (KIA)
  • Over 3000 students enrolled at the HS for the first time


  • Adoption of the Environmental Policy Declaration by the Senate
  • Introduction of the multifunctional chip card at the HS
  • Electronic student ID card issued for the first time at a Saxon university


  • First German university to introduce an operational environmental management system in accordance with the European Eco-Audit Regulation.
  • Renaming of the university to "Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz - University of Applied Sciences"
  • Senior citizens' college opens in Zittau
  • Completion of construction work on Building VII


  • Elections by the Council: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Reichel as Rector, Prof. Dr. phil. Jutta Blin as Vice Rector for Education, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Manfred Schmidt as Vice-Rector for Research
  • New teaching rooms inaugurated on the Görlitz campus
  • Declaration on the founding of the international Neisse University network


  • University becomes German women's volleyball champion for the 4th time
  • Inauguration of the new "Blue Box" teaching building for the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Hampel elected Vice-Rector Research
  • 1st Controlling Conference in Görlitz


  • 1st CampusOpenAir in Görlitz organized by students of Culture and Management and Tourism
  • Festive session of the Council on the occasion of "10 years of the university"
  • Summer Academy of the Collegium Pontes Görlitz-Zgorzelec-Zhorelec


  • Election of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Hampel as Rector, Prof. Dr. phil. Erika Steinert as Vice Rector Education and Prof. Dr. oec. Joachim Zielbauer as Vice Rector Research
  • Handover of the Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Admission of the university to the Saxony Environmental Alliance


  • Celebration event "10 years of the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Protection"
  • Inauguration of the new canteen and library at the Zittau site
  • Establishment of the Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development


  • Opening of the Children's Academy in Görlitz - joint project with the State Museum of Natural History in Görlitz
  • New design and new homepage for the university
  • Prize for the university in the D21 university competition - Get the Best - More women in research


  • Establishment of the Institutes for Surface Technology and for Peat and Natural Product Research
  • Elections: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Hampel as Rector, Prof. Dr. phil. Friedrich Albrecht as Vice Rector Education and Prof. Dr. oec. Joachim Zielbauer as Vice Rector Research
  • New campus in Zittau and new cafeteria and library inaugurated at the Görlitz site


  • Opening of the Children's Academy in Zittau
  • Festive meeting of the Council on the occasion of 15 years of the university and first university ball
  • Dipl.-Jur. Karin Hollstein appointed new chancellor of the university
  • Service Sciences study program alliance with the Tourism and Culture and Management study programs successfully accredited


  • Energy technology cabinet inaugurated
  • First part-time preparatory course for prospective students without A-levels
  • International Scientific Conference WIKO 2008
  • Start of administrative alliance between IHI Zittau and HSZG
  • Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (ZWT) founded


  • New laboratory and research building on the Zittau campus inaugurated with Minister President Stanislaw Tillich
  • Establishment of a joint Master's degree course in "Mechatronics" with the TU Liberec
  • Restructuring of the 8 departments into 6 faculties
  • University Council appointed with seven members


  • International Görlitz Children's Academy is a winner in the nationwide innovation competition "365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas"
  • Election of Prof. Dr. phil. Friedrich Albrecht as Rector, Prof. Dr. oec. Dr. h.c. Roland Giese as Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Zschunke as Vice-Rector for Research
  • 1st Central Matriculation Ceremony
  • Flood disaster hits both Zittau and Görlitz campuses hard


  • Foundation of competence center for bioenergy
  • Fraunhofer Institute settles in Zittau
  • Relaunch of the corporate design and the university website
  • Economics, Labor and Transport Minister Morlok hands over € 5.75 million in funding from the Free State for projects to increase energy efficiency


  • University Development Plan 2020 adopted by the Senate and approved by the University Council
  • State Secretary of the BMBF Rackel hands over funding notification for €1.75 million as part of the Teaching Quality Pact in Görlitz
  • Anniversary celebration "20 years of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences"


  • Ceremonial handover of the renovated building G II on the Görlitz campus
  • Symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new Fraunhofer Technology Center in Zittau


  • Declaration on quality management adopted 
  • HSZG positions itself as a "cosmopolitan university against xenophobia"


  • Foundation of the research institute "Health, Ageing and Technology (GAT)"
  • Germany's first university social worker starts work


  • Opening of the "Cybersecurity" learning lab with Fraunhofer IOSB in Görlitz
  • Extensively reconstructed Building Z l becomes the new seat of the university management
  • Celebrations "25 years of HSZG"


  • System accreditation of the HSZG is applied for
  • HSZG most popular Saxon university according to "StudyCheck"
  • "Inclusion 2025" action plan adopted
  • University Development Plan 2025 adopted by the Senate and approved by the University Council


  • Opening of the HSZG's first international office in Zgorzelec 
  • Anniversary celebration to mark "50 years of the founding of the Zittau University of Applied Sciences" on the campus in Zittau
  • 1st German-Czech "Erasmus + Staff Week"