Our digitization projects at a glance

Area: Student Life Cycle (SLC)

  • Application for non-participation in examination (due to illness, care, accident, etc.)

    Brief description:

    The digital withdrawal procedure (application for recognition of reasons for non-participation in the examination) offers students the simple option of withdrawing from examinations at short notice. This makes it easier to deal with unexpected health or care emergencies and reduces the associated stress. It should be emphasized that this only applies to short-term non-participation in the examination due to illness or caring for relatives. It is not yet possible to withdraw from an examination digitally in accordance with Section 14 of the HSZG examination regulations.

    See the following news article: www.hszg.de/news/neues-digitales-pruefungsruecktrittverfahren


    Introduction of application form as of 20.06.2024


  • Campus App "MyHSZG" & Campus Card

    Brief description:

    The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences launched the new campus app "MyHSZG" on October 2, 2023. This app offers students, employees, prospective students, alumni and guests central access to important information and services relating to campus life. The main functions include access to timetables, campus news, event information and other useful services.

    A particular highlight is the planned introduction of a digital student ID card, which will be available from March 1, 2025. This ID card will include an integrated function for the Deutschlandticket. This will not only allow students to manage their student ID digitally, but also to use the Deutschlandticket, which is valid throughout Germany. This offers students a flexible way to use local and long-distance public transport throughout Germany.

    These digital innovations are part of the HSZG's goal of making everyday life easier for students and facilitating access to relevant services and mobility solutions.


    Introduction of the Campus App on 02.10.2023
    Introduction of digital student ID with the Deutschlandticket, visual ID and library function on 01.03.2025
    Payment function and locking function in preparation


  • Digital Germany ticket

    Brief description:

    The aim of the project is to implement the Deutschlandticket in the Netinera app (from 01.09.2024) and the Campus app (from 01.03.2025). The Deutschlandticket enables the use of local and regional transport throughout Germany and is offered digitally in the apps. The integration includes the connection to national ticket servers and QR code generation for ticket control.

    The project schedule provides for the development, testing and introduction of the functionalities in both apps to ensure seamless and user-friendly use.


    Introduction of the Deutschlandticket on 01.09.2024 (in the Netinera app)
    Introduction of the Deutschlandticket on 01.03.2025 (in the Campus App)


  • E-file for student management

    Brief description:

    From 01.12.2024, the application process for a study place at the HSZG will be further simplified by the introduction of a digital upload. In future, applicants will be able to submit all required documents online, making the process faster and more efficient.

    We are also involved in the joint project LieSa | Lifecycle eStudierendenakte. This cooperative reuse project is funded on the basis of the umbrella strategy for digital transformation in the higher education sector and an initiative budget from the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism. It is being realized in close cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden.

    Sub-projects of the LieSa project

    • SP 1: Establishment of an eStudent file (incl. eApplication file)
    • SP 2: Development of a Digital University Archive Saxony (DiHaS)
    • SP 3: Development of a network structure for the DiHaS


    Further information can be found at: www.tu-chemnitz.de/verwaltung/planung/liesa.php


    Introduction of digital upload in the application process for a study place on 01.12.2024
    Optimization of the application process for a study place for the winter semester 2025/26 in preparation
    Collaboration in the LieSa joint project
    Introduction of the digital student file in preparation


  • Exams and events with HISinOne-EXA

    Brief description:

    HISinOne EXA is a specialized module for examination and event management. It enables the comprehensive management and control of examinations, services and events and supports students as well as teaching and administrative staff.

    The EXA preliminary project runs until 31.12.2024 and aims to create the necessary foundations and structures for the introduction of the EXA module of HISinOne. This preliminary project serves as targeted preparation for the subsequent implementation project, which will start on 01.01.2025 and includes the implementation of HISinOne EXA.

    The implementation project for HISinOne EXA will start on 01.01.2025 and is scheduled to last 4.5 years. The aim of the project is the gradual and comprehensive implementation of the HISinOne EXA module for examination and event management at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.


    EXA preliminary project until 31.12.2024
    Implementation project from 01.01.2025 in preparation


    HISinOne Campus Management

  • Central course booking module (e.g. sports)

    Brief description:

    From 02.10.2024, the new course booking module for sports courses will be available to all students and employees of the HSZG. You can use the platform booking.hszg.de/courses/sport-kurse/offers to conveniently and easily register for our wide range of sports courses.

    Another project is also in preparation: the introduction of a course booking system for further education courses, which will be available soon.

    In addition, the CampusFit project application has been submitted to the SMWK for review, which will further develop the existing course booking module for sports courses and provide additional functions.


    Introduction of course booking module for sports courses as of 02.10.2024
    Introduction of course booking module for continuing education in preparation


  • Introduction Upload + BundID in the applicant portal for a study place

    Brief description:

    Since 1 December 2024, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) has added upload functionality to the digitalization of the application process. Applicants can now submit their documents, such as certificates and supporting documents, exclusively via a digital upload portal. This replaces the previous postal service, which speeds up processing and protects the environment.

    At the same time, the BundID was introduced as an authentication system. This enables secure and reliable identity verification and meets the highest data protection standards. With this modernization, the HSZG offers a forward-looking, user-friendly application process and strengthens its position as an innovative university.


    Introduction of upload & Bund ID on 1.12.2024


    HISinOne Campus Management

Area: non Student Life Cycle (nSLC)

  • Pilot project file plan using the example of contract management

    Brief description:

    Project objective:
    The pilot project aims to establish efficient and transparent contract management at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The first step in this process is the development of a structured file plan, which serves as the foundation for the subsequent management and tracking of all contract-related documents.

    Main tasks:

    • Creation of a file plan that defines the systematics and categorization of contract documents.
    • Development of a digital system for the central storage and management of contracts.
    • Development of processes for creating, checking and archiving contracts.
    • Training staff in the use of the new contract management system.

    The project will optimize the management of contracts, increase transparency and minimize legal risks. The pilot phase will provide valuable insights for possible subsequent implementation in other areas.


    Preparation of file plan concept in preparation


  • Absence management

    Brief description:

    The aim of digitizing absence management (leave, corrections) is to make the processes for managing absences such as leave requests, sick notes and other corrections more efficient, transparent and user-friendly. Digital solutions are intended to replace existing paper-based and manual processes in order to reduce administrative effort, shorten processing times and minimize the susceptibility to errors.

    A digital absence management system provides employees and managers with a central platform for requesting, approving and managing absences. Automated workflows ensure clear and traceable processing, while integrated calendar and notification functions enable a better overview and planning. In addition, digitization ensures a uniform database that guarantees the transparency and traceability of corrections and requests.


    Provision of the time recording system with the basic functions (absence calendar and booking data) from 16.12.2024
    Digitalization of absence management by 31.12.2025

    Scope: Web grooving, app integration, requesting absences (vacation, correction documents)


  • Procurement and invoicing process

    Brief description:

    On 01.01.2019, a central invoice receipt system was established to standardize the processing of incoming invoices. Since 01.01.2023, this has also enabled the receipt and processing of electronic invoices. To further optimize business processes, the digitalization of the procurement process (material requirements) and the approval process for incoming invoices are currently in the preparation phase.


    Establishment of central invoice receipt on 01.01.2019
    Receipt and processing of electronic invoices (incoming invoices) via central invoice receipt on 01.01.2023
    Digitization of procurement process (material request) in preparation
    Digitization of approval process for incoming invoices in preparation


  • Applicant management system for personnel

    Brief description:

    The aim of the project is to introduce an applicant management system to professionalize the personnel selection processes at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The system will make the recruitment of professors, academic and non-academic staff, trainees and, where applicable, assistants more efficient and transparent. It enables structured applicant management, automated communication and an optimized selection process to improve the quality and efficiency of personnel selection processes. Digitalization also reduces manual processes and ensures better traceability in the selection process.


    Introduction of applicant management system for employees, trainees and, if applicable, auxiliary staff by 31.12.2025
    Introduction of applicant management for professorial staff by 31.12.2026



  • Recruitment/change processes for personnel

    Brief description:

    The project aims to digitize the pre-process before a job advertisement or a change or re-employment. This process includes all steps from the identification of requirements, approval and budget review through to the preparation of the actual job advertisement.

    • Introduction of a digital system for recording and documenting personnel requirements, including a detailed job description and skills requirements.
    • Possibility for managers to submit personnel requirement requests via the form service.


    Digitization of the recruitment and change process in preparation


  • Hazardous substance management with a focus on occupational health and safety management

    Brief description:

    The project "Introduction of digital hazardous substance management with occupational health and safety management" is being carried out at the university in close cooperation with the occupational health and safety officer and the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The aim is to ensure the safe and legally compliant handling of hazardous substances and at the same time increase efficiency in research and teaching.

    Aims of the project:

    • Setting up a digital system for the central management of safety data sheets, risk assessments and inventories.
    • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements such as the Hazardous Substances Ordinance.
    • Improve internal communication and transparency between faculties, laboratory managers and safety officers.
    • Promoting occupational safety and minimizing risks for students, teaching staff and employees.


    Those involved in implementation:

    The project is being implemented together with the occupational health and safety officer, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, IT specialists and project managers.

    Expected benefits:

    • Increased safety in laboratories and other work areas.
    • Simplified management and tracking of hazardous substances.
    • Legally compliant and sustainable documentation.
    • Reduced workload for employees thanks to a user-friendly digital solution.


    Start of the project in preparation (planned project duration: 2 years)
  • Sick note for staff

    Brief description:

    A new digital sick note form has been available to all employees since September 28, 2023. This service makes it possible to submit sick notes quickly and easily online via the "MyHSZG" campus app or the quick links on the HSZG website. The digital process saves time, minimizes transmission errors and provides transparent communication by automatically sending confirmations and information to the relevant people. This makes reporting sick easier and contributes to more efficient administration.


    Introduction of sick note form for staff on 28.09.2023


  • Teaching assignment management

    Brief description:

    The aim of digitizing the teaching application, teaching assignment and billing process is to improve the efficiency, transparency and traceability of these administrative processes. By using digital solutions, paper-based and manual processes are to be replaced by automated and networked systems. This will significantly reduce the administrative burden, minimize sources of error and facilitate communication between teaching staff, administration and other relevant bodies. In addition, digitization ensures faster processing, central data storage and a uniform workflow, which leads to optimized resource planning and improved control of teaching assignments and billing.


    Digitization of teaching assignment management (as a pilot project) in preparation


Area: Software/IT systems

  • Backup / long-term archive

    Brief description

    The aim is to introduce a central, reliable and scalable solution for backup and long-term archiving at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The introduction of this solution should sustainably improve data security, data availability and compliance at the HSZG and minimize the risk of data loss. The solution should also support research, teaching and administration and be future-proof.

    Commissioning of the backup in the first quarter of 2025
  • BundID within the framework of the OZG

    Brief description:

    The integration of the BundID into the HISinOne campus management system enables users to register and log in to the eCampus directly via the BundID. This simplifies and standardizes access for prospective and current students.

    This measure is part of the requirements of the Online Access Act (OZG), which stipulates that citizen services should be made accessible digitally and as barrier-free as possible. The BundID offers centralized access and is intended to serve as a universal login for government and university-related services.


    • Simplified registration and authentication for prospective students, students and employees.
    • Centralization of access management and increased security through the use of a state authentication system.
    • Compliance with legal requirements of the OZG for the digitalization of public services.


    Connection of BundID to HISinOne (registration and authentication) on 01.12.2024
    Connection of the mailbox function in HISinONE in preparation
    BundID connection to form service in preparation
  • Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

    Brief description:

    The university is introducing a central configuration management database (CMDB). This serves as a "single source of truth" for all IT assets and their relationships. The aim is to create transparency and improve IT service management.

    Main objectives:

    1. Central, consolidated view: Complete and up-to-date mapping of the entire IT landscape (hardware, software, services, licenses) including dependencies in a central database.
    2. ITSM process optimization: Support and automation of ITSM processes (Incident, Problem, Change, Asset & License, Service Level Management).
    3. Automation & integration: Automated data collection (discovery) and integration with relevant IT systems (ITSM tool, monitoring, AD, software distribution, etc.).
    4. Increased security & compliance: Support for adherence to security guidelines and compliance requirements (patches, licenses, data protection).

    The CMDB increases IT efficiency, improves service quality, increases IT security and supports the future viability of the university's IT infrastructure.


    Provision of the CMDB in Q2 2025
  • Container infrastructure

    Brief description:

    The university's IT landscape is increasingly complex and requires flexible, scalable and efficient solutions for the provision and management of applications and services. In the areas of research, teaching and administration in particular, there is a growing need for modern infrastructure technologies that meet the requirements for agility, reliability and resource optimization.

    The introduction of Kubernetes forms the basis for a modern, future-proof IT infrastructure at the university. It enables the efficient use of resources, the acceleration of innovation cycles and the provision of innovative digital services for research, teaching and administration. In the long term, the Kubernetes platform will be further expanded and enhanced with additional cloud-native technologies to support the university's digital transformation.


    Successful completion of the pilot in December 2024
    Development of the Kubernetes infrastructure by the end of 2025
  • Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS)/ Document Management System (DMS)

    Brief description:

    The HSCG manages a constantly growing volume of documents and information in various formats (e.g. text documents, tables, presentations, images, emails) and in different storage locations (e.g. local drives, network drives, email inboxes, various specialist applications). This distributed and often unstructured storage leads to inefficiencies, redundancies, long search times and poses risks in terms of data security, compliance and data loss.

    The aim is to introduce a university-wide Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) or Document Management System (DMS) in order to optimize, automate and standardize the creation, management, storage, archiving and provision of documents and information. The ECMS/DMS is to serve as a central platform for digital document management and form the basis for efficient, transparent and secure business processes in all areas of the university.

    Goals of the ECMS/DMS introduction:

    • Central and structured document storage: creation of a central, standardized and structured repository for all relevant documents and information.
    • Increased efficiency: Acceleration of work processes through quick and easy access to required documents.
    • Improved collaboration: Support for cross-location collaboration through shared access to documents and workflows.
    • Versioning and traceability: Seamless versioning and traceability of document changes.
    • Automation of business processes: Implementation of digital workflows to automate routine tasks (e.g. invoice verification, application workflows).
    • Increased data security: protection of sensitive data through access controls, encryption and audit-proof archiving.
    • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements for document management and archiving.
    • Transparency: Improving the transparency of business processes through traceable document flows.
    • Integration: Connection of existing specialist applications (e.g. ERP, CRM, HISinOne) to the ECMS/DMS.
    • Mobile access: Enabling location-independent access to documents and information.


    Evaluation of three ECMS (Agorum, d3, docuware) using the example of contract management and teaching assignment management
  • Forms service

    Brief description:

    On September 28, 2023, the new form service (eGovernment basic component) was introduced at our university. The first digital form to be made available is the sick note for staff. Employees can now conveniently submit their sick notes online, which speeds up and simplifies the administrative process. This introduction is an important step in the digitalization of internal university processes. From 22 January 2024, the university will provide its own customized form service. This will be hosted on the servers of the University Computer Center to ensure high availability and performance.


    Introduction of form service (eGovernment basic component) on 28.09.2023
    Introduction of own form service on 22.01.2024
  • HISinOne-BI (APP, STU, NHS)

    Brief description:

    The university uses the HISinOne campus management system to manage various processes in the areas of student management, examination administration and event management. Currently, the creation of reports and analyses from this data is time-consuming, complex and requires in-depth knowledge of the data structures. Often, the required information can only be accessed by combining data from different HISinOne modules. The existing reporting options reach their limits, especially when creating complex, individual and interactive evaluations.

    The aim is to introduce HISinOne BI, the business intelligence solution from HIS eG, at the HSZG in order to establish a modern, powerful and user-friendly reporting and data analysis system. HISinOne BI is intended to simplify access to decision-relevant information, improve data quality and create the basis for data-based decision-making in all areas of the university.

    Objectives of the HISinOne BI implementation:

    • Improved data analysis: providing comprehensive capabilities to analyze data from all HISinOne modules.
    • Centralized reporting: Establish a centralized platform for the creation, distribution and management of reports.
    • Standardization: Definition and implementation of uniform key figures and report formats.
    • User-friendliness: Intuitive operation and simple creation of reports and dashboards without programming knowledge.
    • Self-service BI: Enabling ad-hoc analyses and individual evaluations by the specialist users themselves.
    • Data visualization: Provision of appealing and interactive visualization options for better interpretation of data.
    • Performance: Fast loading times and high performance, even with large volumes of data.
    • Integration: Seamless integration with existing HISinOne modules.
    • Data quality: Improved data quality through plausibility checks and data cleansing functions.
    • Increased efficiency: Reduction of the manual effort involved in creating reports.
    • Transparency: Creating more transparency about the university's processes and performance.
    • Decision support: Provision of valid data as a basis for strategic and operational decisions.


    Project started in June 2024 and ends in December 2025

    Brief description:

    The university operates a large number of applications that cover both the student lifecycle (SLC) and other areas (nonSLC) such as research, administration, finance, etc. These applications are often isolated, use different technologies and data formats, leading to inefficiencies, redundancies and integration problems. These applications are often isolated and use different technologies and data formats, which leads to inefficiencies, redundancies and integration problems. The existing IT landscape makes it difficult to develop new, overarching services and provide a consistent user experience.

    The aim is to introduce a central, standardized API (Application Programming Interface) at the HSZG that enables both SLC and non-SLC applications to access data and functions in a uniform and secure manner. This API is intended to serve as a central integration layer and simplify the development of new applications and services.

    Objectives of the API introduction:

    • Standardization: defining and implementing uniform standards (e.g. RESTful API, OpenAPI/Swagger) for data exchange and communication between applications.
    • Integration: Enabling seamless integration of SLC and non-SLC applications.
    • Data consistency: Ensuring data integrity and consistency through a central access point.
    • Decoupling: Reduction of direct dependencies between applications through loose coupling via the API.
    • Reusability: Provision of reusable API services that can be used by different applications.
    • Increased efficiency: Simplification and acceleration of the development of new applications by using the API.
    • Scalability and flexibility: Creation of a flexible and scalable architecture that meets future requirements.
    • Security: Implementation of security mechanisms (e.g. authentication, authorization) to protect data and services.
    • Documentation: Provision of comprehensive and up-to-date API documentation for developers.
    • Improved user experience: Enabling a more consistent and user-friendly interaction with the university's systems.
    • Promoting innovation: Creating a basis for the development of innovative, data-driven applications and services, e.g. personalized learning paths, data-based decision support, etc.


    Design, implementation and documentation of the API completed in November 2024
    Extension of the API functions for connecting the digital Campus Card to HISinONE by 01.03.2025
    Extension of the API to include functions for reading and writing in SVA for teaching assignment management by 31.01.2025.
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA)

    Brief description

    The HSZG manages a variety of sensitive data, including personal data of students and employees, research data, financial information and other confidential information. The security of this data is of paramount importance to protect privacy, ensure compliance with legal regulations (e.g. GDPR) and maintain trust in the institution.

    The current authentication system, which is primarily based on user names and passwords, no longer offers sufficient protection against current cyber threats such as phishing, credential stuffing and brute force attacks.

    The aim is to introduce university-wide multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all relevant IT systems and services in order to significantly increase the security of digital identities and the protection of sensitive data. MFA adds one or more additional layers of security based on different factors to the conventional login with username and password:

    • Knowledge: Something the user knows (e.g. password, PIN)
    • Possession: Something the user has (e.g. smartphone, hardware token)
    • Inherence: Something the user is (e.g. fingerprint, facial recognition)

    Timeline / Milestones

    Successful implementation of the pilot in Q3 2024
    Introduction of MFA for the first services in Q3 2025
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)

    Brief description:

    The university operates a heterogeneous IT landscape with a large number of end devices, operating systems and applications that are used in teaching, research and administration. The provision, administration and maintenance of this decentralized infrastructure involves a great deal of effort and considerable costs. There are also challenges in terms of security, flexibility, mobility and the provision of a consistent user experience.

    The aim is to introduce a centralized Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) at the HSZG in order to provide a flexible, secure, efficient and cost-effective IT environment for students, teaching staff and employees. VDI enables access to virtual desktops and applications from any end device, regardless of time and place.

    Goals of the VDI introduction:

    • Centralization: simplify the management and maintenance of desktops and applications by centralizing them in the data center.
    • Increased efficiency: Reduction of administrative effort by automating tasks such as software distribution, updates and patch management.
    • Flexibility and mobility: Enabling access to applications and data for students, teaching staff and employees from any location and at any time.
    • Security: Increased security through centralized control, improved data security and easier enforcement of security policies.
    • Cost reduction: Reduce costs for hardware, software licenses, support and energy consumption.
    • Improved user experience: Providing a consistent and personalized user experience on different end devices.
    • Scalability: Easy scaling of the VDI environment to meet the growing needs of the university.
    • Resource optimization: Better utilization of server and storage resources in the data center.
    • Sustainability: Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 footprint through the use of thin clients and more efficient servers.


    Areas of application for VDI at the HSZG:

    • Computer workstations in PC pools and libraries.
    • Virtual laboratories for courses with special software requirements.
    • Employee workstations in the administration.
    • Home office workstations for employees.
    • Access to applications and data for students from home.


    Test of the VDI test instance by DFP and HRZ employees / Design of the VDI with graphics support for CAD applications
    Procurement and commissioning of the new VDI by the end of 2025

Area: Information security/data protection

  • Qualified signature

    Brief description:

    The HSZG handles a large number of processes and procedures in teaching, research and administration that require legally binding signatures. At present, these processes are largely paper-based, which leads to a high expenditure of time, media disruptions, postage costs and a high administrative burden. The digitalization of these processes through the introduction of qualified electronic signatures offers considerable potential for increasing efficiency, speeding up and modernizing administrative processes.

    Possible areas of application for the qualified electronic signature at the HSZG could be

    • Student administration: Notifications
    • Human resources: Employment contracts
    • Procurement: orders/purchases, invoice approvals
    • Financial administration: payment instructions, funding applications
    • Committee work: signing minutes and resolutions
    • Registrar: signing contracts


    Qualified signature is available

    Applying for a qualified signature

  • Joint project "Creation of IT emergency plan templates for Saxon universities"

    Brief description:

    Aims of the project

    1. Creation of standardized IT contingency plan templates:
      • Development of templates for emergency response, restart and recovery plans.
      • Focus on transferability to all Saxon universities.
    2. Improvement of information security:
      • Building resilience against cyberattacks and IT emergencies.
      • Support in preparing for and coping with critical IT failures.
    3. Strengthening cooperation:
      • Promoting cooperation between Saxon universities for effective mutual support.
      • Creating a legal, technical and organizational framework for joint emergency measures.


    Focus on content

    1. Analysis and research:
      • Review of existing literature and legal framework conditions.
      • Compilation of experiences and adaptations to current threat situations.
    2. Creation of templates and concepts:
      • Development of a common glossary and an IT emergency plan template.
      • Derivation of emergency measures and responsibilities.
    3. Training and documentation:
      • Creation of target group-specific training materials.
      • Publication of the results in a suitable form.
    4. Sustainability and transfer:
      • Sensitization of universities for long-term implementation.
      • Ensuring subsequent use through integration into existing roles and processes.


    Project organization

    • Management and coordination: Dresden University of Technology and Leipzig University.
    • Project duration: Two years (10/2024 to 09/2026).
    • Working groups: Regional and thematic working groups for efficient coordination and processing.


    Expected results

    • A customizable IT emergency plan template for Saxon universities.
    • Improved responsiveness in the event of IT emergencies.
    • Closer networking of the universities' IT security structures.


    Collaboration in the creation of IT contingency plan templates as a joint project from 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2026

Digitization team

Photo: M. Sc. Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Lars Rönisch
M. Sc. Dipl.-Inf. (FH)
Lars Rönisch
Head of University Computer Center
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstr. 2a
Building Z V, Room 1.07
+493583 612-4298
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Kerstin Korb
Chancellor-related area/digitalization coordinator
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.03
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4980