Practical and familiar


Our courses of study
Bachelor, Diplom or Master? Natural or Engineering Sciences? Social Sciences or Economics? A sandwich-style course? Studying a semester abroad? Meeting practical requirements? A high placement rate? Have a look at our wide variety of courses to study.
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Stepping stones towards studying
The following sites will guide you step by step on your way from receiving the German university entrance qualification to enrolment.
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Stepping stones towards degree
Starting uni, the 'nitty-gritty' of student life, advice and support: here you'll find all the contacts and important tips that make studying easier.
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Stepping stones for your career
Auch nach dem Studium kann Deine Hochschule ein wichtiger Partner für Dich sein. Bleibe in Kontakt mit uns und profitiere von einem weltweiten Netzwerk aus Absolventen und Kooperationspartnern.
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Our module catalogue serves detailed information regarding our degreee courses, their content, learning outcomes, available degrees, accreditation, and the relevant degree course and examination regulations.

Allgemeine Studienberatung
Madeleine Pohl
Department of Studies and International Affairs
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.21
First floor
+49 3583 612-3055