
250 €

Sustainability Manager | CSR/Sustainability Management Officer

Sustainability management, sustainability reporting and due diligence obligations along the supply chain

Course objective

The course provides qualifications with which you can independently implement sustainability management, sustainability reporting and supply chain due diligence obligations in companies

Skills taught

  • Fundamentals and framework conditions of sustainability at international and national level (SDGs, ILO core labor standards, OECD guidelines)
  • Legal framework in Germany and the EU (NFRD, CSRD, ESRS, EU taxonomy, Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) International and national concepts of sustainability reporting (GRI, DNK, IR, ESRS)
  • Development of a sustainability management system taking into account legal requirements, common sustainability standards (SR 10, CSRD, ESRS, ISO 26000) and existing quality, environmental, energy and occupational health and safety management systems

Prerequisites for participation

Regular participation in the course and successful completion of the examination of module 267200 Sustainability Management and Reporting or proof of adequate knowledge

Target group

Master's students of the degree programs: Integrated Management Systems or students of other degree programs if they have taken part in the above module as an option