Committees in the study program review


On the basis of the Regulations for the Review of Study Programs the following committees are involved in the course of degree program reviews, i.e. the assessment and accreditation/certification of degree programs at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences:

Review Advisory Board

Task: Checking compliance with professional quality criteria as part of the review of degree programs as well as professional exchange with those responsible at the university for the further development of their degree programs

Composition: The Review Advisory Board is made up of a balanced proportion of suitable members from the following groups, depending on the degree program/cluster:

- Group A: at least two external professors from different universities
- Group B: at least one representative from professional practice
- Group C: at least one student from another university

Review jury

Task: Decision on the result of a review (accreditation/certification of a degree program) based on the review results of the Advisory Board and the Higher Education Development and Communication Unit (Quality Management Division)

- Rector (Chairman of the Review Jury): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch
- Vice-Rector Education and International Affairs (Deputy Chair of the Review Jury): Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil
- Faculty representatives:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Knut Meißner (F-EI)
- Prof. Dr. oec. Ute Pflicke (F-MK)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fulland (F-M)
- Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jana Brauweiler (F-N)
- Prof. Dr. phil. Michel Constantin Hille (F-S)
- Prof. Dr. rer.pol. Johannes Laser (F-W)

Review Committee

Task: Further development of the review procedure and contact person for procedural questions and complaints

- Review representatives of the faculties:
- Dipl.-Kffr. Solvig Langschwager (F-MK, also Chair of the Review Committee)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Uwe Müller (F-EI, also Deputy Chair of the Review Committee)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kunick (F-M)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan Mollitor (F-N)
- Prof. Dr. phil. Andreas Markert (F-S)
- Prof. Dr. phil. Sebastian Zips (F-W)
- Representative of the Department of Studies and International Affairs: Lydia Seifert, M.A.
- Representative of the RHK-Q staff unit: Dr. Peggy Sommer
- Representative of the university's student body: Josefine Wiethe (BW20)

Status: 08.11.2023