Project D2C2

Project description:

Implementing digitization in disciplines in a participatory way :: Competencies Connected (D2C2) is a collaborative project of 10 Saxon universities and the BA Sachsen, funded by the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching and coordinated by the Higher Education Didactic Center Saxony (HDS). The goal is evidence-based teaching development in the field of digital teaching, for which specialist networks for exchange are being established and teachers are being supported in the implementation of digital methods and tools. General information about the joint project can be found on the HDS website. (

The staff of the D2C2 project is in continuous exchange with university and media didactic actors both within the HSZG (e.g. Digital Higher Education, Center for eLearning of the HSZG, University Didactics Officer) and within the Saxonian network in order to share the knowledge gained from experience and thus benefit from each other instead of "reinventing the wheel". The goal is to create offerings that meet the needs of good teaching and promote it.

Offers of the association:


    Digital teaching must be thought of in subject-specific terms. As an example, D2C2 initially focuses on five subject areas of university teaching. In these subject areas, cross-university teaching-related networks and communities will be established, which are open to all interested teachers at the partner universities. It is planned to extend the results to other subject areas as the project progresses.

    The coordination of the teaching networks or communities is carried out by colleagues from the respective disciplines in the respective subjects at one of the partner universities. They are the contact persons for ALL lecturers in the respective subject area and, for example, arrange contacts and organize exchange meetings.


    At the HSZG, Ronny Freudenreich coordinates the Saxony-wide engineering network.


    In the project network, colleagues deal with specific focal points of digitalization in teaching, the so-called Digital Turning Points. With their expertise, they support lecturers at all universities in the development of new applications and teaching-learning scenarios and work closely with the Digital Change Support colleagues at all universities.

    The focus areas are as follows:

    • Digital skills of students in undergraduate teaching(details and contact)
    • Didactically sound digitized workshop and laboratory work (detailsand contact)
    • Didactically sound use of an OER task pool for mathematics (detailsand contact)
    • Digital testing (detailsand contact)

    Colleagues work in Digital Change Support at all partner universities. These colleagues advise, accompany and support lecturers on site in the implementation of innovative teaching and learning scenarios, the use of digital tools and research into their own teaching (SoTL).


News from the project
  • Innovative concepts for knowledge assessment
    D2C2 supports the further development of teaching innovations at the e-Examination Symposium 2024 at the Technical University of Munich at the Garching Science Campus.(read more)
  • New impetus for future-oriented study programs
    D2C2 supports the development of learning opportunities for future skills for the semiconductor industry.(read more)
  • Perspectives on teaching. Journal for Higher Education and Academic Development
    Implementing digitalization in disciplines in a participatory way :: Competencies Connected"(for the special issue)
  • A format that sets an example
    Two years of "Digital Teaching Exchange" at the HSZG offer inspiring insights into the world of digital teaching methods: a review and outlook.(read more)
  • Discover the university teaching of the future in virtual spheres with D2C2
    Launch of the D2C2 theme booklet(event details)
  • D2C2 supports the development of innovative teaching formats
    Further development of an e-learning system to promote digital skills in engineering(read more)
  • Students as partners in the D2C2 project network
    Reflection on the network locations(for the article)
  • Digging deeper together
    How three unusual exchange formats improve digital collaborative work(more on this in the HFD blog)
  • Interactive math tasks with JSXGraph in OPAL/ ONYX
    Employees of the D2C2 project have tried out the prototypical embedding of JSXGraph in ONYX(read more)
  • Free ride for D2C2
    To the great relief of all universities, teachers and students who have benefited from the D2C2 activities of recent years, the project is being extended(read more)
  • Successful 'Students as Partners' concept bears fruit
    Students actively support the digitalization of studying and teaching(read more)
  • Excellent university didactics among engineers
    Teachers appreciate the active support of the D2C2 project in the design and implementation of innovative teaching and learning formats(read more)
  • Increasing interest in gamification in higher education
    Dr. Stefan Keck, who teaches in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, came up with the idea for a quiz app. He recognized the need for a suitable tool that students could use to independently repeat learning content outside of lecture times...(read more)
  • Computer Science Teaching Network
    Saxony-wide teaching-related network within the Department of Computer Science, in which teachers and students work on specific topics.(Details)
  • D2C2 support for innovative concepts for knowledge assessment
    HSZG presents learning concept at the e-Prüfungs-Symposium 2023 at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen.(to the article)
  • Exchange on the topic of digital teaching at the HSZG
    After a year with many exciting impulses around teaching and learning, we look back and forward at the same time.(read more)
  • Didactic reduction in laboratory practicals
    Podcast - Dr. Julia Franke (D2C2 network)(read more)
  • Engineering quiz app
    Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is developing a learning app for engineering students in collaboration with Zittau/Göritz University of Applied Sciences.(read more)
  • Lunch in the digital space

    New exchange format for digitally supported teaching at the HSZG.(to the article)

  • On the way to a digital identity
    Following the peer-to-peer strategy consultation, the HSZG is implementing measures for the digitalization of studies and teaching in a participatory process.(to the article)

  • Teaching network for engineering
    Formation of a Saxony-wide teaching-related network within the engineering departments.(Details)

  • Subject-specific and to the point!

    Implementing digitalization in disciplines in a participatory way. The Competencies Connected (D2C2) project at the HSZG is investigating this and offering support services.(to the article)

Network structure:

The following universities and colleges are part of the D2C2 network: TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, HTW Dresden, HS Mittweida, Westsächsische HS Zwickau, ehs Dresden, HTWK Leipzig, HS Zittau/Görlitz, HfBK Dresden, Berufsakademie Sachsen (details and contact).

The sub-project management is in the hands of the respective prorectors for education, at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the hands of the prorector for education and international affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. Pol. Sophia Keil. At the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, the D2C2 project is affiliated with the Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education.

Project staff HSZG:

    Lydia Laarz (
    Ronny Freudenreich (

Translated with (free version)

Network structure:

The overall coordination of the project lies with the Saxon University Didactics Center (HDS). The prorectors of the HDS management form the steering committee of the project. The scientific advisory board of the HDS and the e-learning working group of the Saxony Rectors' Conference form the project advisory board.

The following universities and colleges are part of the D2C2 network: TU Dresden, TU Chemnitz, HTW Dresden, HS Mittweida, Westsächsische HS Zwickau, ehs Dresden, HTWK Leipzig, HS Zittau/Görlitz, HfBK Dresden, Berufsakademie Sachsen(details and contact).

The sub-project is managed by the respective Vice Rectors for Education, at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences by the Vice Rector for Education and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. Pol. Sophia Keil. At the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, the D2C2 project is affiliated with the Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education.

Project management HSZG

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstrasse 21
Building Z II, Room 16.3
+49 3583 612-4632
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.3
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3010

Project staff

Photo: M.A. Ronny Freudenreich
Ronny Freudenreich
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
Project staff D2C2
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 52
First floor
+49 3583 612-4828

Project staff

Claudia Döring
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 411
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4901

The project runs from 01.07.2019 to 31.12.2023 and is financed with a total volume of € 3.7 million by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts.