TIMS seminar series for companies

Management systems for specialists and managers

What is the TIMS seminar series?

Our TIMS seminar series includes seminars on topics that currently affect companies and organizations in the context of their management systems. 
Experienced trainers impart up-to-date specialist knowledge and tried-and-tested practical solutions. We refer to specific issues from your professional practice in order to enable you to implement or apply the knowledge imparted directly in your day-to-day operations  . That is why our seminars are always interactive and also benefit from your valuable input.

As a result, our seminars offer the opportunity to network and share experiences with other regional companies in your sector and beyond.

In the 2024 training year, the TIMS seminar series is once again a joint effort of the Integrated Management Systems team at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences and TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH. As usual, we offer you a total of six seminar dates within one year.

Who can or should take part?

Depending on the topic, our seminar program is aimed at different target groups in your company, because management systems concern everyone: Management, executives, representatives and every single employee.
Depending on the seminar, you decide who from your company takes part in the seminar.

  • 23.01.2024, 1-5 p.m.: Process-oriented management: key figures and strategies

    with Antje Linke
    Senior Consultant - TÜV Rheinland Group

    Quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is based on a process-oriented approach. It places requirements on processes, resources and responsibilities. Top management must ensure the effectiveness of the processes and the integrity of the system.
    This seminar shows how processes are defined, results and inputs are determined, methods and responsibilities are defined and which key figures are appropriate. Individual interests of persons or departments are pushed into the background by the process orientation, while the overall result comes to the fore. This helps to identify how unnecessary or non-value-adding activities can be avoided.

    Target groups:

    Managing directors Management representatives Process owners / process owners People with an interest in process orientation

    Training content

    • Process-oriented approach, quality vs. process management What is a process and what distinguishes it? Process types 
      Levels, concept and process descriptions/displays
      What are key figures / performance indicators / KPIs and their benefits? Which key figure is the right one? Which ones are there?
      Examples and tools
      KPIs as a basis for process analysis
      Recognizing and optimizing value-adding and non-value-adding activities in processes

    Further information can be found in the flyer (see download).


    Please register for this topic online via the link:

    Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/GaW0WGuQ0r

  • 21.03.2024, 1-5 p.m.: Managing change - getting people to participate

    with Dr. Birgit Wetzel

    Our working environment is changing fundamentally: increasing workload meets digitalization. This means that change is constantly on the agenda and has a major impact on the way we work. This triggers resistance within us, because change shatters our basic needs. But how can we manage to positively counter resistance to change and transform it productively? Integrated management systems can provide a secure framework for this, mapping and tracking changes.
    The aim of this TIMS seminar is to shed light on change in the context of integrated management systems from different perspectives, to get to know the change killers and to gather strategies to open up yourself and others to change.

    Target groups:

    • Managing directors
    • executives
    • Management representatives

    Training content

    Managing change is a skill for anyone who wants to lead the way in today's working world, make decisions and motivate their colleagues to get involved.

    • Identify the solid foundation for change
    • Proactively confronting the change killers
    • Preparing the ground for change
    • Motivating people to help shape change

    Further information can be found in the flyer (see download).

    Please register for this topic online via the link:


  • 25.04.2024, 1-5 p.m.: Procedure for developing successful and ambitious climate targets in accordance with SBTi

    with Fanny Meierhofer
    sustainable AG Unternehmensberatung

    Demands from politics and society for companies to assume ecological, social and ethical responsibility are growing louder. The EU Green Deal and the associated laws are obliging many companies to document and transform themselves, as customers and investors are also increasingly demanding transparency with regard to corporate climate management. 
    The aim of the seminar is to establish a well-founded climate target as the basis for a comprehensive climate strategy. Participants will learn about different approaches to developing climate targets that meet both regulatory requirements and the SBTi guidelines and thus lay the foundation for an effective climate strategy.

    Target groups:

    • Managing directors
    • Finance and compliance managers
    • Energy and climate management officers Sustainability managers or sustainability officers

    Training content:

    • Scientific findings from the IPCC special report
    • Basics of corporate climate management
    • Overview of science-based resources, criteria and validation protocols of the SBTi for setting targets
    • Presentation of different approaches to developing science-based climate strategies in line with regulatory requirements and SBTi (including a deep dive into SBTi's Net Zero standard)
    • Outlook: Strategies for the implementation of science-based targets

    For more information, please refer to the flyer (see download).

    Please register for this topic online via the link:


  • 06.06.2024, 13-17: Identification and quantification of measures to decarbonize the entire value chain

    with  FannyMeierhofer
    sustainable AG Unternehmensberatung

    A successful ecological and economic transformation of companies against the backdrop of constantly increasing regulatory and stakeholder-specific requirements calls for comprehensive, targeted reduction measures. These must extend beyond the company's own site and, in particular, also include cooperation with external partners.
    Based on ambitious climate targets, this interactive seminar teaches the procedure for identifying and evaluating decarbonization measures, both at the company's own site and in the upstream and downstream value chain.

    Target groups:

    • Managing directors
    • Finance and compliance managers
    • Energy and climate management officers Sustainability managers or sustainability officers

    Training content

    • Introduction: ambitious climate protection targets
    • Problems in implementing climate protection targets and solution options (e.g. responsibilities, roles)
    • Presentation and collection of reduction measures along the entire value chain
    • Procedure for carrying out a potential analysis to quantify decarbonization measures in terms of costs and savings potential
    • Outline of an implementation plan for successful integration into existing business processes


    Please register for this topic online via the link:


  • 26.09.2024, 1-5 p.m.: Preparing integrated internal and external audits correctly

    with Prof. Dr. Jana Brauweiler

    Our survey on the status of "Integrated Management Systems 2023" has shown that around 40% of the companies surveyed already carry out integrated internal and external audits. Within the framework of an integrated management system, integrated audits can not only leverage synergies, but also implement holistic perspectives and find approaches for the continuous improvement of the entire system.
    The seminar will show which prerequisites must be met in an integrated management system so that integrated audits can be carried out at all and how integrated audits are planned, carried out and documented. In this context, the requirements for external auditors to carry out external integrated audits will also be discussed.

    Target groups: 

    • Managing directors
    • Management representatives
    • Internal auditors

    Training content

    • Nature of integrated internal and external audits as part of an integrated management system
      Requirements for conducting integrated audits in integrated management systems in relation to  Processes, responsibilities and documentation
      Effects and challenges of integrated audits
      Integrated audit planning (audit program)
      Integrated audit implementation 
      Integrated audit reporting (audit report)
      Requirements for the competence of auditors conducting integrated audits

    Please register for this topic online via the link:


  • 14.11.2024, 1-5 p.m.: Dealing with difficult situations - assistance, for management representatives

    with Florian Rahtz

    Management representatives are always somewhere in between due to their staff function. They are supposed to advise the management and manage the system, but have no authority to issue instructions to their colleagues regarding implementation. If the colleagues don't want to do what the officer wants and there is no support from the management, then the officer often has no choice but to throw cotton balls or use the power of warm words. Sounds funny, but it is often a harsh and frustrating reality. A reality that I have experienced myself for years.
    In this seminar, I would like to work out with you where difficult situations often occur and how we as management representatives can deal with them.  When and how is the work worthwhile and when is it hopeless? 

    Target groups: 

    • Managing directors
    • Management representatives

    Training content

    • In which situations am I particularly dependent on the management as a representative?
    • What options do I have if the others block me?

    Please register for this topic online via the link:



All training courses conclude with a certificate of attendance from TÜV-Rheinland-Akademie GmbH. This is an important proof of training that documents the acquisition and maintenance of your competence in relation to management systems.


Individual seminar or package?

Our seminar series comprises six training courses per year. Choose an individual training course or a seminar package from this range to suit your needs.


The seminar prices include the participation of up to three company representatives in the selected seminars, catering, seminar documents and certificates of participation from TÜV-Rheinland Akademie GmbH. 

If you register by January 19, 2024, you can benefit from the following price model: 
Seminar prices: 395,- € net/training for individual bookings 375,- € net/training for package bookings of up to 3 seminars 350,- € net/training for package bookings of 4 seminars or more

For all bookings after January 12, the individual seminar price applies. 

Seminar booking

Simple and advantageous: Group bookings for TIMS seminars!
New this year: Use our central booking form for uncomplicated registration. Perfect for companies: Book conveniently and quickly for your entire team.
Your advantages:

  • Group bookings made easy: Simply select the seminars you want for your team.
  • Benefit from our attractive package prices: The more seminars you book, the more you save!
  • Clear overview: After booking, you will receive a detailed confirmation by e-mail listing all the seminars you have booked.
  • Direct information for your colleagues: Every registered participant is automatically informed about their seminar participation.
Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jana Brauweiler
Kursleitung in Kooperation mit der TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Jana Brauweiler
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 07
First floor
+49 3583 612-4752