Junior research groups

  • SaxoGRID" junior research group

    Brief description of the project

    The energy transition in Germany and Europe is accompanied by fundamental changes in the generation structure and thus also the grid structures. Whereas in the past, consumers were supplied by large power plants in the transmission grids, renewable generation plants are largely located in the distribution grids.

    The feed-in from renewable generation plants takes place primarily via power electronic components, which differ significantly in their electrical behavior from the generators of conventional power plants. As a rule, the new generation plants are connected via cables, as a result of which the previously high proportion of overhead lines in the 110 kV and medium-voltage grids is decreasing. This dismantling of conventional power plants, which has taken place over the last 25 years and is expected to continue in the future, will also affect Saxony's distribution grids in particular. This leads to new requirements and challenges for the operation of the grids and the equipment with their insulation systems.  

    In the past, the distribution grids were characterized by a high quality of supply, which should also be maintained in the future . However, previous concepts for the operational management of distribution grids, particularly in critical operating states, are based on the grid structures of conventional grid operation. The operational management has so far been designed for overhead line grids and must be expanded to meet the requirements of grids with an increased proportion of cables and decentralized renewable generation plants.

    Project objectives

    Concepts for the operational management of distribution grids must be adapted to their future structure or newly developed. The most important component of these concepts is limiting the earth fault current to values that guarantee personal safety and stable operation of the distribution grid. However, the increasing cabling and expansion of the grids inevitably results in higher fault currents. Furthermore, the increase in power electronic modules, both on the generator side and on the consumer side, leads to increased harmonic levels, which propagate in the grid, stress insulation and also make a not inconsiderable contribution to the fault current.

    The determination and effects of these increased residual currents and possible countermeasures are currently the subject of controversial debate and research. The effects of the additional stress on the insulation of the equipment caused by harmonics are still largely unknown. Investigations into this are therefore urgently required.


    July 2018 - June 2021

    Here you can find the project description in the FIS

  • Junior research group "(Micro)plastics in the soil"

    Brief description

    Plastics are used in many different ways in society, e.g. in the form of packaging. Due to improper handling, disposal or wear and tear, plastics are introduced into a wide variety of environmental compartments. As a result of degradation processes, so-called microplastics can be created. In recent years, research has focused on investigating the contamination of aquatic systems. At the same time, however, there is another resource that requires extensive attention: the soil. Microplastics are also introduced into this environmental compartment, including agricultural land, through natural transport processes.

    Project goals

    • Development of a reliable method for determining microplastics in soil matrices
    • Creation of a prediction model to simulate the transport pathways
    • Investigation of the impact on crop plants, with a focus on the soil-plant-human transmission pathway
    • Identification of pollution hotspots by monitoring potentially endangered areas
    • Development of a process engineering concept for the purification  of contaminated soils and composts



    January 2020 - December 2022

    Here you can find the project description in the FIS!

  • Research Training Group "New Systems for Resource Conservation"

    Brief description of the project


    The junior research group in the form of a research training group brings together researchers with the aim of a doctorate and their projects from technical and technology-related subjects in a symbiotic relationship to investigate and develop "New Systems for Resource Conservation".

    The main aim is to prepare the participating young researchers as well as possible for their future careers in industry and science. A promising approach lies in the interdisciplinary processing of topics that are relevant both for the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) and for the region's economy.

    The selected subject area is assigned to the research focus on energy and the environment and includes the scientific support of the "energy transition" area that can be mapped for the HSZG. The young researchers will be qualified to carry out applied research as well as to work as managers, to strengthen knowledge transfer and networking in the region and to teach.


    Current projects


    Future-proof power generation [FIS]
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Kratzsch

    Unsteady flows
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Meinert

    Resource-saving products
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Klaubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Hentschel

    Power-to-Gas-to-Power [FIS]
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. T. Zschunke

    Decentralized combined heat and power
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing.

    Information and Communication Technologies
    Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing.

    Regional Energy Markets [FIS]
    Project management: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. T. Schütte


    Duration of the projects: 01.08.2015 - 31.07.2018


    Here you get an overview of the projects as PDF.

  • Junior research group "Development of environmental engineering processes for the sustainable use of natural resources"

    Brief description of the project

    Environmental infrastructure facilities include natural rock and unconsolidated rock slopes, dams, dykes, landfills and dumps, which are intended to fulfill their function for an indefinite or at least very long period of time. To this end, forecasting tools are being developed and the use of materials optimized

    The fundamental aim of the project is to develop and establish environmental engineering concepts for the sustainable use of environmental resources.


    • Extending the service life of existing buildings by developing realistic forecasting tools
    • Optimizing the use of materials for new construction, refurbishment and upgrading by optimizing material parameters
    • Process engineering treatment and ecologically compatible use of problematic materials for the upgrading or new construction of environmental infrastructure structures

    For this project, a cross-university junior research group was formed with graduates from various engineering and environmental studies disciplines. The specific working methods of the participating disciplines are combined for the development of processes for the sustainable use of resources.

    Partners of the junior research group

    • Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
    • TU Bergakademie Freiberg
    • Dresden University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics


    Duration: July 2016 - June 2019


    Here you can find the project description in FIS!

  • Junior research group "Geothermal energy"

    Brief description of the project

    Ground-coupled heat pumps help to minimize the final energy requirement for the building-side heat supply. This technology is particularly effective in combined heating and cooling operation. In order to exploit the available efficiency potential, there is a need for research into planning methods, prediction models and practical operating concepts.

    Project objective

    The aim of the research project is to address scientific problems in the field of geothermal heat pump systems in a solution-oriented manner, to develop optimization concepts and thus also to make a practical contribution.  The practice-oriented research should benefit in particular from the cooperation of graduates from different disciplines.

    In order to be able to carry out numerical model calculations within a reasonable amount of time, the junior research group has high-performance computing technology at its disposal. For experimental investigations, the research team also has access to an extensively equipped geothermal probe test rig.


    August 2017 - June 2020

    More information on the junior research group can be found on the faculty website and in the FIS.

  • Junior Research Group Biocatalysis Platform Zittau (BioPlatZ)

    In October 2017, the junior research group "Biocatalysis Platform Zittau" (BioPlatZ) at the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences began research work on the topic of "Identification of enzymes as biocatalysts and their application in biocatalytic and chemocatalytic processes for the production of fine chemicals". The project is funded by the European Social Fund and the Sächsische Aufbaubank. The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to develop new energy- and resource-saving synthesis processes for compounds that place high demands on purity in the form of active ingredients.

    Using whole cells or isolated enzymes as biocatalysts, selective transformations of starting substances are to be made possible, which in turn serve as basic building blocks for the synthesis of complex chiral molecules. This combination of biotechnological and chemical approaches enables the inclusion of bio-based raw materials in the sustainable, energy and environmentally friendly production of fine chemicals as high added-value products.

    The team of the BioPlatZ junior research group consists of six young scientists from Germany and the Czech Republic. Specifically, chemo-enzymatic syntheses of chiral building blocks will be investigated over the next three years. Chemo-enzymatic means that both chemical and biological catalysts are used.


    The common goal of the BioPlatZ junior research group is to use chemo-enzymatic reactions to produce chemical compounds that have a specific, precisely defined configuration. This means that the structures produced in the junior research group must have a specific three-dimensional arrangement in space in order to be used as chiral building blocks. Chiral building blocks are small molecules with defined stereochemistry that are later used to create pharmaceutical products, for example active substances to combat high blood pressure.

    The junior research team is made up of three disciplines:

    • Biochemistry is supervised by Professor Annett Fuchs and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Kateřina Barková.
    • Organic Chemistry is led by Professor Dieter Greif.
    • Microbiology is headed by Professor Thomas Wiegert and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Marek Pecyna.

    In this constellation, each specialist area can contribute its expertise. Professor Wiegert's working group is able to modify microorganisms in such a way that a specific reaction can be achieved. Professor Fuchs' working group takes over the genetically optimized strains and carries out a screening. Professor Greif then carries out the chemical reactions and obtains the desired products.


    September 2017 - November 2020

    Here you can find the project description in the FIS!

  • ESF junior research group "GAP - Gender shares in ESF university and research projects"

    Our junior research group investigates the reasons for unequal gender participation in European Social Fund (ESF) funding projects in Saxony. The desired gender balance was clearly missed in the last ESF funding period (2014 to 2020), with around two thirds of men receiving funding compared to one third of women.

    Our task is to work out which of these reasons lie within the university system and to develop recommendations for action on how the causes found within the universities or programs can be reduced or changed.

    Our interdisciplinary junior research group is made up of academics from the Technical Universities of Dresden, Chemnitz and Freiberg as well as the Universities of Mittweida and Zittau-Görlitz.

    Further information can be found on the website of the TRAWOS Junior Research Group Institute.

  • NFG REACT - Requirements for energy networks and energy supply through decentralized energy supply and conversion

    The Junior Research Group (NFG) enables (junior) scientists affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to increase knowledge and technology transfer and network between the HSCG and the regional economy through joint research work and skills development. The sub-projects deal with very different tasks within the research focus "Energy and Environment" of the HSZG. They contribute to the further development and safeguarding of the energy industry in Saxony.


    Sub-project I: Influence of harmonics on the insulating properties of silicone elastomers (Jun Ting Loh)

    Based on the findings from previous dielectric investigations, this sub-project will investigate the short-term electrical strength of silicone elastomers in the presence of harmonics. The existing test rig is to be adapted to simulate harmonics. A test voltage is to be generated from two superimposed alternating voltages (AC-AC). Both unfilled and functionally filled silicone elastomers are used as test specimens; these are used in practice in medium-voltage cable accessories, for example.

    The electrical strength of the silicone elastomers is first examined at an alternating voltage (AC) with different frequencies and temperatures. With the findings on their frequency and temperature dependence, the influence of harmonics can be described in concrete terms. The test specimens are subjected to a superimposed AC-AC test voltage. The tests are carried out by means of continuous voltage rise tests, whereby the voltage and time at breakdown are measured.

    The results obtained from the project provide the Saxon industry with a basis for the development of innovative approaches with regard to the novel electrical loading of regenerative sources. New and further questions can be investigated in subsequent research projects as part of the doctorate and provide further insights. Completion of the doctorate is planned for 2023. The close cooperation between research and regional industry offers knowledge transfer and an optimal career start after completing the doctorate.


    Sub-project II: Adapted operating concepts for distribution grids in island grid operation (Benjamin Küchler)

    This sub-project analyzes the effects of the energy transition on the reliable operation of the electricity grid. The focus is on the elimination of conventional, controllable power plants and the increasing connection of weather-dependent generators as well as the increased use of DC-based technologies such as battery storage or hydrogen synthesis. Due to the planned phase-out of nuclear and coal energy and the increase in electronically controlled consumers, the balancing of consumer and generator lines will be much more dynamic and demanding in the future. In the event of a large-scale disruption to the interconnected grid, concepts for regional island grid operation for the emergency supply of critical infrastructures must be drawn up and variants for decentralized grid reconstruction must be developed.

    To this end, existing studies on the development of the German energy supply system are first summarized and plausible forecasts are drawn up. Based on the scenario developed, the technical, personnel and political requirements for the development of a grid island are worked out. This is done in constant consultation with grid and power plant operators. Building on this, model studies are to be carried out on real existing grid structures and, where possible, practical trials in the grid. This will reveal existing potential and the limits of feasibility. Finally, adapted operating and grid reconstruction concepts for emergency operation with island grids will be developed and recommendations for future technical and political adjustments will be formulated for a reliable electrical energy supply.

    The project promotes the retention of expertise in decentralized energy supply at the HSZG and Saxony as a research location. Stable grid operation without nuclear and coal-fired power plants is a basic prerequisite for an environmentally friendly energy supply and plays a key role in regional structural change, especially in Lusatia. The personal qualifications of the researcher will be further enhanced in the course of the research project. Involvement in teaching and close cooperation with regional companies during the doctorate will ensure the transfer of knowledge and generate specialist staff for Saxony in the long term.


    Sub-project III: Hydrophobic recovery on silicone-based insulating materials (Florian Prasse)

    This sub-project looks at the intrinsic material regeneration of silicone elastomers. After the research project carried out so far has mainly focused on the loss of hydrophobicity of silicones after combined electrical and electrolytic stress as the first step before recovery, the focus is now to be placed more strongly on the regeneration (hydrophobicity recovery) of silicone-based insulating materials. For this purpose, silicone elastomers with freely adjustable material properties (network density, sol content) are first synthesized according to previously developed methods and damaged in the accelerated ageing process of the dynamic drop test (DTT) until failure (loss of hydrophobicity). The test specimens are left to rest until regeneration takes place through diffusion of non-crosslinked, hydrophobic components to the surface of the material.

    By repeating the DTT on already pre-stressed test specimens, the quality of the hydrophobicity recovery is examined in more detail. The analysis is supported by dynamic contact angle measurements (hydrophobicity investigation) and SEM-EDX images for surface elemental analysis of damaged test specimens. Furthermore, the return of hydrophobicity is examined in static tests (embedded electrodes), after which the hydrophobicity can be degraded locally in this setup. Dynamic contact angle measurements subsequently enable the analytical reproduction of the hydrophobicity recovery for this test setup.

    The project results are a unique feature (for publicly accessible) research activities in the field of insulating materials research. On the one hand, they form the basis for further projects to extend the service life of composite insulators, which contributes to the protection of resources. On the other hand, the completion of the doctoral thesis (planned for 2022) and the associated successful qualification can contribute to securing skilled workers in Saxony in the highly qualified STEM sector - in science or industry. One example of this is the WACKER AG plant in Nünchritz, where expertise in silicone chemistry (insulators, basic materials for the solar industry, etc.) will certainly be needed in the future.


    Sub-project IV: Decarbonization ofheat-related industrial processes (Ulrike Gocht)

    Possible decarbonization measures are identified with the help of an engineering analysis of typical industrial processes. The energy and environmental modeling of these measures will then be investigated using the Andema software tool. For processes/sub-processes that cannot be modeled directly using the ecoinvent database, an initial, roughly estimated environmental modeling is carried out on the basis of available literature data. For the calculation and correction of the primary energy demand of processes using waste/residual materials in ecoinvent, an analysis of the database entries is required. An estimating methodology is to be developed for correcting the primary energy expenditure and applied to selected processes. Contact and cooperation with regional companies will be established.

    The use of the Andema software tool enables the acquisition of third-party funds for the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The acquisition of funding for the further development of the software tool is also planned in order to enable the continued employment of the processors. The Andema software tool supports regional companies in protecting the environment and resources, particularly in the transition to renewable energy sources.

Funded by the European Union and the Free State of Saxony.

Funding specifically for the "REACT" project