Staff Council


The Saxon Staff Representation Act (SächsPersVG) formulates the tasks, duties and rights of the staff council in Sections 71 to 87.

  • to apply for measures that serve the internal, social or personal interests of employees;
  • to ensure that the laws, ordinances, collective agreements, service agreements and administrative regulations applicable to employees are implemented;
  • to receive suggestions and complaints from employees and, if they appear justified, to work towards their resolution through negotiations with the head of the department;
  • contribute to the advancement of these groups in cooperation with the representative body for severely disabled employees, the youth representative body, the equal opportunities officer and the representative body for foreign employees.

These instruments give the Staff Council the opportunity to investigate your problems and complaints and to take remedial action. However, we hope that you will have as little cause as possible to do so. We would like to take up your suggestions, which we hope to receive in large numbers, and implement them if at all possible.
In addition, the Staff Council has co-determination, participation and consultation rights with regard to numerous measures taken by the department. Some of these are mentioned here:

Recruitment and grading. Non-temporary transfer of a job that corresponds to the job characteristics of a higher or lower salary or wage group. Transfers, redeployment, dismissal. Refusal or revocation of secondary employment. Continued employment beyond the age limit. Working time regulations. Vacation plans. Measures to prevent accidents at work, occupational accidents, occupational illnesses and other health hazards (with the safety specialist). Design or redesign of workplaces. Selection of participants in training events. Determining the timing of vacation leave if no agreement is reached between the parties involved.


Further info in our Intranet


Contact options

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sebastian Fleischer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Sebastian Fleischer
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.44
+49 3583 612-4543
stellvertretender Vorsitzender
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH)
Tom Walter
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstr. 21
Building Z II, Room 015.4
First floor
+49 3583 612-4623

Information on

Step duration

The Ministry of Finance has been persuaded to correct the relevant implementation instructions (DFH) regarding the recognition of remaining periods when taking relevant professional experience into account (new version dated August 2, 2017).

Employees who have not had their remaining periods recognized should apply for a correction to their step allocation as soon as possible.