Own sports facilities at the Zittau site

University sports hall:
Pistoiaer Weg, corner of Schwenniger Weg Hall 1

Fitness room:
Lausitzer Weg, House VII e, Hall 16

Plastic court (student union):
Moosbacher Weg, behind WH G

External sports facilities at the Zittau site

Kantstraße sports hall:
Lisa-Tetzner-Str. 24

Indoor swimming pool Stadtbad:
Töpferberg 1

Main gymnasium:
Theaterring 10

Parkschule sports hall:
Karl-Liebknecht-Ring 4

Burgteichschule sports hall:
Alte Burgstr. 7 a

Ottokarplatz sports hall:
An der Sporthalle 4

Sports hallFörderschule:
Clara-Zetkin-Straße 12

Sports hallW.-Busch-Schule:
Südstraße 33

Lessingschule sports hall:
Dr.-Friedrichs-Straße 5

Judo room:
Heffterstraße 15

Riding stables: "Drei Linden" Zittau:
Hartauer Str. 1

Weinau sports facility:
Weinaupark sports facility

South sports facility:
Schrammstraße 63

Rathenau sports room:
Room 5+10, Rathenaustraße 18

External sports facilities at the Görlitz site

Tivoli sports hall:
Dr.-Kahlbaum-Allee 14

Neißebad indoor swimming pool:
Pomologische Gartenstr. 20

Fitness room:
Parkstraße 2, ground floor

Exercise room:
GI, exercise room no. 02324

Camaleon :
Kinder-Kultur-Cafe, Lutherplatz 5

Konsulstr. sports hall:
Konsulstr. 23

Photo: André Baumgärtel
Technischer Mitarbeiter
André Baumgärtel
University sports
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room K.09
+49 3583 612-3295
University sports
02763 Zittau
Pistoiaer Weg 1
Building Z VIIa, Room
First floor
+49 3583 612-4939