BAföG abroad

  • What is BAföG granted for abroad?

    A popular option for students to (partially) finance their stay abroad is the Auslands-BAföG. This can be applied for for both a study semester and an internship semester abroad. In the case of an internship abroad, however, there is the restriction that this is only eligible for funding under BAföG if it is a compulsory internship lasting at least 12 weeks, i.e. it must be expressly mentioned in the study and examination regulations of the degree program. Unfortunately, voluntary internships abroad cannot be funded by BAföG.

  • I have not yet received any BAföG benefits. Is BAföG abroad even an option for me?

    Even if you have not yet been entitled to BAföG in Germany, you still have the opportunity to receive BAföG abroad. So if you have not yet received BAföG in Germany, you should still take the opportunity and apply for BAföG abroad.

  • Will my stay abroad count towards the maximum funding period in Germany?

    Students who receive BAföG in Germany often ask whether their maximum funding period in Germany would be shortened by receiving BAföG abroad. The reassuring answer is: NO. If you apply for a semester of leave during your studies abroad, you will continue to pay the full semester fee and officially remain enrolled at your home university. However, your semester abroad will not be counted as a semester of study and will therefore not count towards your standard period of study. The time you spend abroad does not affect the calculation of the maximum funding period for domestic BAföG. However, it is important that you pursue study-related activities during your time abroad and that you can provide evidence of these after your return. On average, you will therefore receive funding for even longer with BAföG abroad than without a stay abroad.

  • What is the maximum funding period for BAföG abroad?

    In general, BAföG is granted for a maximum of one year for a stay abroad. It is important that the funding is continuous and without interruption. However, if your stay abroad is compulsory, i.e. part of an integrated course of study, and this is completed in an EU country or Switzerland, you will be funded with BAföG abroad without any time limit as long as the normal maximum BAföG funding period is not exceeded.

  • How high are the funding amounts?

    The funding amounts for BAföG abroad are higher than those in Germany: In addition to the basic requirements and the flat-rate housing allowance, which also apply to BAföG in Germany, there are also surcharges for the tuition fees incurred abroad, for health insurance and for travel to the host country. There are also special foreign supplements that are calculated based on the cost of living in the individual destination countries.

  • What options are there if I take my child with me?

    For all mothers and fathers who embark on an adventure abroad with their child, there is good news that childcare allowances are also paid. In general, as with domestic BAföG, 50% of the BAföG abroad must be paid back in installments at a later date. The other 50% is granted to you as a subsidy from the state.

  • Can I apply for an Erasmus scholarship in addition to BAföG abroad?

    Yes. Take advantage of the opportunity to receive financial support through an ERASMUS+ scholarship in addition to BAföG abroad. The scholarship rates currently range between 180 and 300 euros, depending on the cost of living in the country of the partner university. An Erasmus grant of up to 300 euros is not deductible from BAföG.

  • Where can I submit an application?

    Depending on the destination country, different offices are responsible for BAföG funding abroad. For example, the International Office of the Chemnitz-Zwickau Student Union is responsible for the Czech Republic, Poland and Russia. When applying, please find out which BAföG office is responsible for your destination country. It should also be noted that the processing time for the BAföG application abroad can take much longer (up to 6 months) than for domestic BAföG. It is therefore advisable to submit your application at least six months before the start of your semester abroad.

Photo: M.A. Alina Bulcsu
Leiterin International Office
Alina Bulcsu
Department of Studies and International Affairs
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.13
First floor
+49 3583 612-3055
Department of Studies and International Affairs
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.13
+49 3583 612-4255
+49 3583 6125-4255
Consultation hours

Zittau Building Z I / Room 0.05

  • Monday & Thursday: 13:00 - 15:30
  • Friday: 9:30 - 11:30

and by prior arrangement

Görlitz  Building G II / Room 253

  • Tuesday: 11:00 - 15:00