
  • Competitions

    In addition to the regular events that take place at our university, there are also nationwide comparisons between universities. These are organized by associations.

  • German University Championships

    The General German University Association (adh) organizes (international) German University Championships, adh-open and cup competitions in over 60 sports every year. Competition dates are published at or can be obtained from the University Sports Center.

    Registration for adh competition sports events is done via the University Sports Center using the official registration forms.

  • Saxon University Championships

    They are awarded on behalf of the Landeskonferenz Hochschulsport Sachsen (LHS). Information on competition dates is available at

    All properly enrolled students and employees of our university and the International University Institute (IHI) are eligible to compete in the German and Saxon University Championships. Registration for participation always takes place via the University Sports Center.

HSG Turbine Zittau e.V., registered association

Our University sports club is primarily reserved for students who are are interested in competition sport and are willing to represent Turbine Zittau e.V. in the respective federations. If you are interested, please contact the association’s office.

Office:Schrammstr. 63, 02763 Zittau
Telephone:+49 3583 51-6560
Office hours:Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00
President:Karin Hollstein
Director:T.-Mario Sräga