Our contemporary societies are undergoing profound processes of change that encompass practically all dimensions of the systemic, working and living environments of individuals and social groups. The research focus "Transformation Processes in Economy and Society" at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences deals with these factually, socially and temporally complex processes of change and their opportunities for shaping them.
The research concentrates on transformation processes resulting from the regional location of the university, but in view of the growing global networking of all developments, it also goes far beyond this. The overview below shows the most important areas and focal points of research.
The research focus is characterized by its application orientation and strong cooperative relationships with practice partners in the region (administrations, companies, political and civil society organizations). This includes broad consulting and expert activities.
The expressly interdisciplinary focus at the university is interlinked with the "Energy and Environment" field of competence and also cooperates closely with the institutes of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences "TRAWOS" (Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development) and "GAT" (Institute for Health, Ageing and Technology).
The FSP TWG is an interfaculty structure within the HS Zittau/Görlitz, which aims to initiate, bundle and network research projects and research perspectives.
Any employee of the university who is interested in the topics of the focus and is also active in corresponding research processes can become a member of the FSP.
Members of the research focus are members of the HSZG who have at least a first academic degree (usually: BA), who express their interest in the topics, networks and events of the FSP and who are themselves involved in corresponding research processes.
If you are interested in the work of the FSP and would like to be informed about its work or become a member, please contact the spokesperson(m.hosang(at)hszg.de).