Courses held

Systemic counseling SG

Two-year basic and advanced course in Dresden (continuous)

Curriculum qualifies for certification by the Systemic Society

Partly as an online course

Start: 08.10.2020 (course completed)

Systemic solution-focused supervision & Coaching

Advanced course

from 19.09.2022 (course running; expressions of interest for the next round are possible)

Systemic work in crèches, day nurseries and after-school care: basic and advanced courses

Course 2022-2023 (basic course completed)

Course 2020-2022 (basic and advanced course completed)

Would you like to take part? Send us a short email to let us know you are interested. We will be happy to inform you!

Systemic solution-oriented short-term therapy, family therapy and counseling

Advanced course for graduates "Systemic Consultant"

from 04.03.2019 (course completed)

Would you also like to take part? Send us a short e-mail to let us know that you are interested. We will be happy to inform you!