Systemic counseling SG

Systemic counseling (SG)

Two-year further training with basic and advanced course

Important information:

The course is based on the SG and DGSF guidelines Systemic Counseling and therefore the course duration is at least 2 years. The final certification will take place on 12.10.22 from 18-20 in Dresden.

Systemic counseling (SG)

Two-year basic and advanced course (to be taken continuously) with the possibility of  final certification from the Systemic Society (SG)

With its appreciative and solution-oriented attitudes and methodological tools, the systemic approach offers new and concrete ideas for working with people. By teaching systemic thinking and systemic methods, the participants' professional competence is expanded. The implementation of systemic work in daily professional practice is accompanied by a process.

Final certificate: "Systemic consultant"


Event announcement (PDF) for the application for subsidies

Expression of interest (PDF)

Binding registration form (PDF)


Registration deadline: 01.09.2020

The course is fully booked!

  • Target group

    Professionals (psychologists, educators, social workers, social and remedial educators) in "educational support" facilities, youth welfare offices, counseling facilities, schools, professionals from clinics.

    The course can be attended by 20 people.

  • Admission requirements
    • University, university of applied sciences, technical college degree or specific vocational training
    • Work in a field that enables the implementation of systemic ideas and approaches
    • Several years of professional experience in the field of counseling is desirable
  • Instructor

    Responsible for the curriculum and the implementation of the umbrella organization's guidelines are

    North German Institute for Short-Term Therapy, NIK Bremen
    Institute for Systemic Work, ISA Chemnitz

    Teaching therapists NIK and ISA: Dr. Manfred Vogt (director), Dr. Florian Schepper, Rita Freitag, Matthias Freitag and other teaching therapists from the NIK team

    Dr. phil. Manfred Vogt
    Psychological psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, systemic family therapist and hypnotherapist, systemic teaching therapist/teaching supervisor (SG/DGSF), teaching coach (SG), teaching child and adolescent therapist (DGSF). Founding member and board member of the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), Paris and the International Alliance of Solution-focused Teaching Institutes (IASTI), Oostende. Head of NIK Bremen.

    Matthias Freitag
    Graduate psychologist, specialist psychologist for clinical psychology/psychotherapy (BDP), teaching therapist (SG), systemic supervisor, consultant for organizational and personnel development; individual, team and group supervision. Head of ISA Chemnitz.

    Rita Freitag
    Diplom-Sozialpädagogin, teaching therapist (SG), systemic counselor and therapist (DGsP), hypnotherapist (MEG), systemic supervisor (DGSv, SG), systemic lecturer (DGsP); individual, team and group supervision, coaching, systemic counseling. Head of ISA Chemnitz.

    Dr. rer. med. Florian Schepper
    Graduate psychologist, psychological psychotherapist, teaching therapist (DGSF/SG), systemic child and adolescent therapist (SG), behavioral therapist.
    Main focus of work: pediatric oncology at the University and Polyclinic for Children and Adolescents, Leipzig and parent support for children with cancer, Leipzig.

  • Scope and contents

    The training lasts approx. 2 years, is divided into a basic and advanced course and comprises 550 units.

    Participants complete:

    • 200 WE theory and methods,
    • 75 WE self-awareness and self-reflection,
    • 75 units of supervision,
    • 70 units of intervision group work,
    • 100 units of proven practice in the form of documented counseling work,
    • 30 units of independent work, literature study, etc.
    • 2 written case documentations
    • 1 live/video/DVD supervision

    In accordance with the SG framework curriculum of 16.04.2015, the content of the further training includes

    • Methods/attitudes: historical foundations; constructivism, constructionism, systems theories, 1st and 2nd order cybernetics; solution-focused approach. Order; solution-focused approach; resource orientation; pattern recognition, context analysis and context sensitivity; order clarification and contracting; process orientation, systemic interviewing/questioning techniques, intervention options; use of creative, representative methods; Analysis and dynamics of teams, institutions and organizations; dealing with guiding principles, myths and taboos; dealing with crises; complex (helper) systems in an intra- and inter-institutional context; resonance phenomena, verbal and non-verbal coupling in systems; self-reflection relevant to the professional field; development of a systemic attitude.
    • Self-awareness: contents include the transfer of methodically guided therapeutic techniques into one's own style of action and the development of basic therapeutic attitudes into professional identity as well as reflection on professional development.
    • Supervision: This serves the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge. Supervision takes place as live supervision through video analysis and counseling simulations in the group and individually and takes place within the seminar framework.

    • Intervision and self-organized work: The participants meet
      between the seminars for reflection, collegial consultation and consolidation of the seminar content in regional intervision groups. The self-organized work is documented in written protocols.

    *Further training units (WE)/learning units (LE):

  • Dates

    Basic course "Systemic Counseling":

    M1 08.-10.10.2020 Basics of systemic counseling (ISA)
    - The initial interview: Clarifying goals and assignments
    - Genogram work: introduction
    - Resource interview and reframing

    M2 07.-09.12.2020 Solution-focused interviewing (NIK)
    - NIK-PELZ- & -HOPE model
    - The miracle scenario
    - Exceptions and scales

    M3 21-23.01.2021 Systemic interviewing (ISA)
    - Clarification of the assignment and assignment patterns
    - Counselling attitude
    - Circular interviewing and perceptual perspectives

    M4 25.-27.03.2021 !!! corrected date !!! Systemic practice with children & Adolescents (NIK)
    - Children and adolescents with chronic illnesses
    - Play therapy interventions in hospitals
    - Resource-focused family work with parents and siblings

    M5 17-19.05.2021 Systemic self-awareness I (ISA)
    - Framework and role of counseling processes
    - Ambivalences and role confusion
    - Order carousel and institutional context

    M6 28-30.06.2021 ("Bergfest") Solution-focused interventions (NIK)
    - Homework and experiments
    - Solution-oriented counseling planning
    - Design of individual interventions

    Advanced course "Systemic Counseling":

    A1 16.-18.09.2021 Systemic work in space (ISA) - Venue: GÖRLITZ !!!
    - Working with the family board
    - Constellations in space
    - Sculpture technique

    A2 01.-03.11.2021 Dialogic practice (NIK)
    - Narrative and reflexive questions
    - Therapy with the Reflecting Team
    - Variations of reflexive positions

    A3 06-08.01.2022 Externalizing in Counselling (ISA) - updated module description!
    - Working with inner parts
    - Side model

    A4 07.-09.03.2022 Counseling parents, couples & families (NIK)
    - Perspectives in couples therapy
    - Couple dynamics and goals
    - Recommendations and tasks

    A5 17-19.05.2022 Systemic self-awareness II (ISA) - updated module description!
    - Grief and loss
    - Hypnosystemic grief counseling
    - Shaping life transitions
    - Time line work

    A6 04.-05.07.2022 ("Certification") (NIK+ISA)
    - Reflection on acquired skills
    - Presentation of case documentation
    - Evaluation and certification

    In each case from 9.oo to 18.oo, on the 3rd day until 16.oo


    The final certification takes place on 12.10.22 from 6-8 pm.

  • Completion of further training

    The certificate of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences "Systemic Consultant" is issued upon participation in all blocks.

    After successfully completing the training course and the associated achievements, the participants receive a qualifying NIK certificate and thereby generally obtain the prerequisite for additional certification as a systemic consultant by the Systemic Society (SG).

    Completion of the course entitles the participant to take part in subsequent courses:
    "Systemic solution-oriented short-term therapy, family therapy and counseling"
    "Systemic supervision and coaching"

  • Costs

    The participation costs amount to 4,000 euros.

    In addition, there is a certification fee from NIK e.V. of 50 euros.

    The SG charges additional fees for certification (currently 180 euros).

  • Promotion

    Saxon participants can apply for a subsidy towards the total costs from the Sächsische Aufbaubank. You can find the conditions of the Saxon training voucher at .

    If you are applying for funding, please let us know in advance! Please contact us before you apply for funding so that we can reserve a place for you. Please use the "Expression of interest" form.

  • Venue

    Conference center of the Protestant Reformed Church Dresden
    Brühlscher Garten 4, 01067 Dresden

    Module 7 (16.-18.09.21) will take place in Görlitz: 
    Postplatz 14/15, 02826 Görlitz, 1st floor

  • Registration / Inquiries

    Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
    Office of Education, Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
    Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
    02763 Zittau

    Tel: 03583/612 4356
    Fax: 03583/612 54356
    E-Mail: weiterbildung(at)

Contact R. Viertel

Photo: M.A. Robert Viertel
Robert Viertel
Rectorate / Education department
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 2.02.2
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4356
Rectorate / Education department
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 253
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4356