The Saxony⁵ portfolio provides an overview of our wide range of support services to help researchers and employees of the HSZG transfer scientific knowledge to business, society and politics in a targeted manner. From innovative spaces such as CELSIUZ to specialized consulting and practice-oriented tools - we create connections, strengthen collaborations and make your transfer success tangible. Discover how we can support you in the implementation of your projects!
Ideas need space. And we have it. Whether for workshops, network meetings or training events. Here you will find a conference camera, (digital) whiteboards, good coffee and everything else you need to tackle tomorrow's problems innovatively today. Researchers from Zittau or Görlitz can easily reserve one of the individual workstations for a short-term change of scenery.
This is what we can offer you:
1. advice on booking the CELSIUZ and on the conception and preparation of events in the CELSIUZ
2. our infrastructure, free of charge for the HSZG:
3. access to the Saxony5 network at the other four participating universities, e.g. for research and cooperation inquiries or to publicize events
The AAL laboratory is a model apartment within a complex for senior-friendly living in Görlitz. The laboratory contains technical assistance technologies for senior citizens that provide support in everyday life and in their own homes, especially for older people in rural areas. The technical aids are tested in the laboratory with the users and it is examined whether they really contribute to an increase in the quality of life in old age.
What we can offer you:
1. we offer you access to the AAL lab and age appropriate assistive technologies and help with questions in the field of human-technology interaction, (in-)formal care and social gerontology.
2) We provide you with access to the elderly population and care and support you with experience with this target group.
3. we support you with related workshops and events through
To facilitate the transfer of AI knowledge to science, companies and society, the "AI technology platform" is available for the transfer of executable AI use cases. Using rapid prototyping, AI use cases can be demonstrated and shared in a low-investment and therefore low-threshold manner (saving on the purchase of hardware). This digital platform can also be used to develop and conduct training courses, for example.
What we can offer you:
1. we support you in accessing the AI technology platform and offer you assistance in using it and mediate in case of problems.
2. we can advise you on how you can use the "AI technology platform" sensibly for your transfer.
3. you have a realized use case (implemented in Python, R, Octave or Julia) that you would like to transfer to your target group. We will advise and support you in transferring your, preferably AI-related, use cases to the technology platform.
Shaping the energy and heating transition! But how? That's what Zittau's latest theater is all about. The plays are put on stage by local authorities and municipal utilities, housing associations, homeowners and tenants. To avoid having to improvise, the researchers design models and simulations in the background and prompt the actors. Whether they succeed in incorporating the latest research results from the university into the energy supply of the neighborhoods of the future and whether everyone agrees in the final is up to you!
This is what we offer the university's energy researchers:
1. together with you, we will create an appealing visualization of your project or selected results - online or for guests of the celsiuz on the screen wall.
2. we carry out a moderated problem analysis and initial consultation with you and your customers, work out research questions and help define goals that support a project.
3. we model the technology you have researched with you and implement it in a design software. This makes your innovation visible in the conception phase of our partners' projects
The Sustainable Business Hub at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is a platform that supports companies in developing and implementing environmentally friendly and socially responsible business strategies. The Hub provides companies with access to expert knowledge to make their business processes more sustainable and reduce their impact on the environment, society and the economy.
What we can offer you:
1. we support you with workshops and
events on the topic of sustainability and the environment:
2. we offer help with questions on the topic of life cycle assessment/LCA, e.g. for publications or internal research
3. we give you access to modeling software for LCA, system dynamics, event-oriented, and agent-based modeling
Communication management is also part of Saxony5's support infrastructure. Whether classic media work, social media or strategic communication, help can be provided here. In addition, support can be offered to a limited extent within the university in science communication.
This is what we can offer you:
1. advice on communication projects relating to your research topics
2. participation in the basic science communication course
3. drafting and revising press releases
4. storytelling for researchers: Advice and development of presentations that inspire