Intercultural competence in university teaching - an introduction for lecturers

Begin 17. May 2024 - 09:00 Uhr
End 17. May 2024 - 12:15 Uhr

This online short workshop offers university teachers a unique opportunity to sharpen their intercultural sensitivity and develop skills essential for dealing with cultural diversity in higher education.
Discover methods to increase your intercultural sensitivity and learn techniques to promote intercultural dialog and overcome cultural barriers in teaching. A solid introduction to the field of intercultural communication and intercultural competence forms the basis on which you will learn to understand and apply the meaning and dimensions of intercultural communication and competence.
Discover in our short online workshop how you as a university lecturer can sharpen your intercultural sensitivity and master the challenges of cultural diversity in university teaching.

Learning objectives

After completing the short online workshop, participants will be able to

  • recognize culturally conditioned critical interaction situations - based on a basic knowledge of intercultural communication and culture,

  • consider possible courses of action for challenging situations,

  • utilize the potential of cultural diversity for university teaching, e.g. in the context of techniques to promote intercultural dialogue.

Course leader

Dr. Steffi Nothnagel


Registration and further information can be found here.



If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Winkler Tel. 03583 612 4595.