Engineering pedagogical training (IPWB) for teachers

The aim of our further training is to further expand the engineering didactic skills of our university staff in the STEM faculties.

Begin 23. September 2019 - 09:00 Uhr

The series of events covers all relevant areas of engineering didactics as well as the requirements of the Ingenieurpädagogische Wissensgesellschaft Berlin (IPW). The further training was designed in cooperation with the Institute for Vocational Education at the Technical University of Dresden and builds on the further training project "Engineering didactics at Saxon universities ''e-Didact'" from 2010 to 2013. In order to create a group-dynamic, peer-group-oriented and effective atmosphere for imparting knowledge and skills, parts of the modules are combined in blocks. These events take place in conference centers.

The next series of events will start on September 23, 2019 with an introduction to the topic and a team development workshop in the Polish Giant Mountains.

The scope of the program is approx. 200 work units (150 hours). The detailed schedule, more details and information as well as the opportunity to register can be found here.

Target group: Employees of the MINT faculties

Lecturers: Dr. Steffen Kersten, Timon Umlauft and many more.