Current developments in immigration law

Event with Helen Vierkötter & Jörg Eichler - Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.

Begin 12. November 2020 - 16:15 Uhr
End 12. November 2020 - 17:45 Uhr

This semester, the student initiative Feminist Forum, in cooperation with the Görlitz adult education center, voluntarily launched the open (online) ring reading "Grund genug" . 
"Grund genug" sees itself as a platform for discussing the contradictions and self-evident aspects of the Basic Law and our society together in Görlitz. Every week, various renowned experts such as Andreas Kemper, Dem PENG Kollektiv, Sookee, Kleiner Fünf, Dr. Roland Löffler (Chairman of the State Agency for Civic Education) and Dr. Susanne Götze (science journalist for ZEIT, Spiegel, Heinrich Böll Foundation) shed light on topics such as right-wing extremism in Saxony, civil disobedience, social inequality, digital violence, climate change and classism.


The lecture series takes place every Thursday between 4.15 pm and 5.45 pm in lecture hall 01 in the Bluebox in Görlitz and is broadcast live online.