Adopt a Revolution

On the situation of civil self-organization in the Syrian civil war | From the lecture series "What can civil society do?"

Begin 10. October 2019 - 19:00 Uhr

Adopt a Revolution was founded by Syrian and German activists in the face of the ongoing brutal persecution of the peaceful uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Since then, the independent initiative has supported numerous peaceful projects against dictatorship and terror. In addition to providing direct support, Adopt a Revolution seeks to establish solidarity between German and Syrian civil society and transfer knowledge. Speaker Wafa Mustafa, whose family has been politically active for a long time and is experiencing repression, will give insights into her own perspective on the current human rights situation in Syria. (Arabic / German)


Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Furtstraße 2, GI (Blue Box) Aula

About "What can civil society do": ... a lot! Regardless of whether they are fighting poverty, injustice, environmental protection or human rights: Civil society initiatives have become increasingly important worldwide in recent years. Their goals are as diverse as the conditions under which they operate. What they all have in common is that they see themselves as co-creators of social change and often form a constructive and critical counterpart to the state and business. Depending on the context, their work is supported, hindered or even criminalized. This series of events presents examples from Syria, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. We will ask the actors about the preconditions for their work, their successes and setbacks and how they got to where they are today. We want to discuss this with you and them.