
23. November 2020

Communication at the breakfast table

Companies work together to find ways to engage in respectful dialog.

We can't not communicate. We all know this and yet misunderstandings arise time and again in everyday business life due to unclear communication, which can have minor or major consequences. So how do we use communication correctly so that it is effective and to the point?

The integrated management system (IMS), which combines different management systems and often different officers with overlapping content, poses a major challenge. At our 17th IMS breakfast, Dr. Birgit Wetzel, communication trainer and business coach, showed how to implement transparent and appreciative communication in the IMS. How does this work? Through clear language, coordinated task descriptions and communication that is positive, keeps the concerns of everyone involved in mind and is based on "I" messages and respect. At the same time, it "reminds" people to take personal responsibility for the content of the conversation and what comes across to them.

With the help of various exercises, the breakfast participants were able to understand how quickly language can lead to misunderstandings, frustration and demotivation. Dr. Wetzel demonstrated solution strategies that help to take into account the concerns of all parties involved in the conversation equally and thus enable cooperation at eye level. While the content of the IMS breakfast provided plenty to talk about, there were a few additional tidbits along the way. The online format chosen again this time enabled not only our regional practice partners to participate, but also those companies that would otherwise not be able to attend the face-to-face event. As a result, we were able to welcome 38 participants. And there was another treat: the IMS breakfast also provides a platform to get in touch with companies and, for example, receive information about available internships. Just how successful this can be was promptly demonstrated: Five offers came in response to one student's inquiry. That's what we call effective communication.

Text: M. Sc. Sandra Franke

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jana Brauweiler
Ihre Anpsrechpartnerin
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Jana Brauweiler
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 07
First floor
+49 3583 612-4752