20. December 2023

What happens in Zittau, stays in Zittau!

Fast-paced action, full beakers and plenty of humor on the Zittau campus at the Chemistry Show Lecture 2023.

Pure action on the Zittau campus. On December 11, the chemistry showcase lecture not only had the stage buzzing, but also the audience in the packed lecture hall in Zittau's Z IV building. The guests followed the story "The Zittau Campus Cop - Hangover in the Rectorate" with great enthusiasm.

What was it about? The rector has to go on a business trip and hires the Zittau Campus Cop (student Anna Grohmann) and the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Prof. Jens Weber, to ensure peace and order at the HSZG and in the rector's office. But there's one thing the rector hasn't reckoned with - a stag party on the Zittau campus...

Tracy and Doug (Christine Borowski) want to get married and everything is ready. However, Alan (Tobias Rieger), the bride's brother, the dentist Stu (Tobias Lein) and the teacher Phil (Matthias Jeschke) have thought of one last, single evening for their buddy. And the journey takes the four of them to tranquil Zittau - or rather, to the HSZG campus. The young men soon realize that the rectorate is a particularly good place to party. The party night can begin...

But don't forget: What happens in Zittau stays in Zittau!

In addition to an action-packed story with plenty of puns and witty remarks, a large number of impressive chemistry show experiments once again ensured an exuberant atmosphere and astonished faces. The spectacle was once again prepared under the direction of Matthias Jeschke, who was also responsible for the script. The organization team, a mixture of students, staff and graduates, prepares the event every year with a great deal of commitment and enthusiasm. This year, Rector Prof. Alexander Kratzsch and Prof. Jens Weber, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences, also made guest appearances.

Many thanks to the sponsors!
No chemistry show lecture without the commitment of all participants:

Anna Grohmann
Christine Borowski
Lukas Wilke
Ria Hübner
Pia Schubert
Eric Kluge
Dr. Florian Prasse
Thea Grüneberg
Tomas Kleint
Tobias Rieger
Corinna Herrmann
Daniel Fischbach

Samuel Jeschke
Hannah Ullmann
Darleen Grawunder
Dirk Spitzner
Matthias Jeschke
Prof. Alexander Kratzsch
Prof. Jens Weber
Celin Fiebiger
Tobias Lein
Tom Richter
Silja Bertenrath
Marc Gründer

Photo: Dipl.-Chem. (FH) Matthias Jeschke
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Chem. (FH)
Matthias Jeschke
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room K 04
1st basement floor
+49 3583 612-4714