Message details

08. March 2021

Great need for discussion and debate

The interest in the 1st #CoronaDialog was overwhelming.

Over 200 participants logged in on the evening of February 22, 2021 to discuss science in times of pandemic together with scientists from the HSZG.

After a keynote speech by Markus Will (HS ZG) on how science works, the long road that groundbreaking inventions have to travel and uncertainties and controversies in science, the other guests were introduced: Prof. Dr. Jens Weber (HSZG, Physical Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Karin Fester (HSZG, Biotechnology), Prof. Dr. Thomas Wiegert (HSZG, Microbiology) and Dr. Jana Krauß (City Councillor in Görlitz, biochemist, entrepreneur). Many of those present described the discussion afterwards as unobtrusive and objective. The event was moderated by Cornelius Pollmer in a confident and humorous manner - even "Peter Silie" was allowed to ask questions.

Guests in demand

The first questions were asked in the chat during the introductory round, which the moderator gradually added to the discussion. Many questions on the core topic of "Can we still believe science?"   were answered, but by no means all of them.

There were simply many more than we had expected. With regard to the second event, we were able to learn a lot from this: How do we deal with the onslaught of questions? How do we organize the categorization of questions in the background so that the moderator doesn't lose track? What do we do if a parallel discussion arises in the chat? Where are the limits of tolerable statements?

Also, next time only questions from people with real names will be allowed. Sorry, Peter Silie.

The high number of participants and the large number of questions show a very high need for communication and dialog in times of crisis. We will be able to ask some unanswered and thematically appropriate questions at the 2nd CoronaDialogue "Science as a curse or blessing for corona policy" on March 15, 2021.

The event was organized as part of the transfer project Saxony5 was organized.

Now it's getting (more) political

The 2nd #CoronaDialog on the topic "Science as a curse or blessing for corona policy?" will take place online on March 15, 2021 at 7 pm. Our guests are:

  • Dr. Claudia Maicher, MdL, Chairwoman of the Committee for Science, Higher Education, Media, Culture and Tourism
  • Dr. Stephan Meyer, MdL, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Görlitz
  • Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (sociology, transformation research)
  • Prof. Dr. Maja Dshemuchadse, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (communication psychology, organizational consulting)

Further information can be found at

Ihre Ansprechperson bei Saxony5
Marie Melzer
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 315
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4459