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16. June 2021


Jan Schaller, a doctoral student at TRAWOS, is publishing a book together with Sebastian Kunze with critical reflections from 2014-2020 on the political situation in Germany.

Germany has a problem. In recent years, there has been much debate, argument and often shouting about identity, culture, migration and otherness. The underlying major crises of our time, such as poverty, growing inequality and populist threats to democracy, have often gone unnoticed. And then came corona. The pandemic is acting as an accelerant for crises that were already acute before 2020 and still are. This book is therefore also a warning. The cultural and social scientists Jan Schaller and Sebastian Kunze have been observing and analyzing the changing political situation in Germany for years. They show that the issues currently being discussed are based on deeper social distortions and how we can deal with them. The positive shaping of our common future for a more solidary, fairer society always remains in focus.

= Series #Critical Reflections, Volume 1

The book is published by Büchner-Verlag, Marburg.

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