Change management workshop

The secret of long-term competitive companies and their future with digital Technology: participation-oriented change management and customer focus with AI

Begin 15. November 2024 - 14:00 Uhr
End 16. November 2024 - 18:00 Uhr

In times of technological change and economic crisis, the word "change management" regularly makes the rounds in the bullshit bingo of management magazines and business newspapers. And rightly so. Because of course there is a reason why only 1 in 200 companies can celebrate its 100th anniversary. 99.5% fail because at some point the market changes faster or in a different direction than they do.

The reason why these figures are so alarmingly high is that companies naturally focus their development on first establishing the value creation process of their business model, then expanding it and making it more efficient, and not on constantly changing their business model - especially as long as it works.

It is precisely because the entire organization of a company increasingly "settles in" to its business model once it has been successfully established that enormous adjustment difficulties arise when markets change.

Even for those companies that initiate fundamental changes in good time, 72% of transformation attempts to change their production orientation, new market segment or technical innovation in good time fail.

We have therefore taken a systematic look at those 28% and used case studies to show what they typically do differently.

Although the differences between the sectors are very large, we found that the (appropriate) application of new technologies is often the key to success. In particular, new assistance systems, often based on AI, offer many opportunities for business expansion, production organization, product design and much more.

However, the introduction of AI assistance systems always presents companies with challenges and at the same time offers great opportunities. These need to be accompanied professionally in order to exploit opportunities and avert risks.


Aims of the workshop:

  • Fundamentals and concepts of change management
  • Showing case studies of successful and unsuccessful transformations
  • To convey the most important procedures in the context of the participation-oriented change process, especially when introducing AI assistance systems
  • Recognize the influencing factors that are important for the successful implementation of change management strategies, especially when introducing digital technologies
  • Application of concrete action concepts in a practical business game.

Contents of the workshop:

  • Concepts, methods and procedures of change management: understanding the basic approaches
  • Corporate cultural framework conditions: Analyzing and adapting the corporate culture to support the introduction of AI assistance systems.
  • Change management and dealing with resistance: strategies for recognizing and overcoming resistance in the change process
  • Identification and effective use of sources of power to support participation-oriented change processes.
  • Teamwork and group dynamics: promoting teamwork and the positive use of group dynamics in change processes.
  • Correct leadership styles in the change process -> teaching leadership styles and their application in change processes



  • Introduction to change management
  • Case studies of successes / failures
  • Methods and instruments in participation-oriented change management -> you will learn about methods and instruments that are helpful in participation-oriented change management
  • Simulation of the change process with the help of the SytTeamsChange simulation game
  • Joint evaluation of the simulation results, reflection and impulses after each simulation phase
  • Lessons learned - feedback
  • Summary of the most important findings and experiences / discussion of open questions and definition of the next steps


Workshop duration: 16 hours

Our workshop offers a practice-oriented and interactive environment in which you and your employees learn how to successfully plan and design fundamental change processes and the use of new digital technologies for your company, especially through the introduction of AI assistance systems. With the concepts and strategies you learn, you will be ideally equipped to implement these technological changes in your company in a targeted and effective manner, taking advantage of opportunities and minimizing risks.

Target groups: manufacturing companies

Format: Simulation game for the practical simulation of change processes

Contact/lecturer: David Sauer d.sauer(at)

Projects: Perspektive Arbeit Lausitz (PAL)

Friday, November 15, 2024 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 16, 2024 09:00 - 18:00


Photo: Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) M.A. David Sauer
Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) M.A.
David Sauer
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 206
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4311
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 409
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4311