Self-management workshop: overcoming procrastination.

How to successfully master your everyday study life.

Begin 24. April 2025 - 16:00 Uhr
End 24. April 2025 - 18:30 Uhr

Are you sometimes overwhelmed by everything and don't really know where to start? Sometimes you just feel overwhelmed by everything?

Then our Self-Management: Resilience, Team Collaboration & Time Management workshop series is just right for you!

In a total of four workshops on different topics, you will gain knowledge about self-management and learn practical methods to help you organize your everyday life and studies.

The first workshop is all about self-organization, procrastination and how you can overcome it.

What can you expect?

  • In-depth insight: What is (self-)motivation anyway? A brief theoretical insight into the topic will help you recognize patterns within your own motivation.
  • Self-reflection: Guided methods and food for thought will help you identify personal obstacles and motivational inhibitors that often lead to procrastination.
  • Practical tools and methods: You will learn how to use targeted methods to break the vicious circle of procrastination and work through tasks in a structured way.
  • Interactive exercises: With creative approaches, a colorful toolbox of methods and the power of the group, you will develop strategies to overcome procrastination hurdles.


Why take part?

  • Strengthen your self-image: Understand your motivational block and release it.
  • Less stress, more routine: Find your personal style of self-organization.
  • Method kit: Whether it's exam stress, a tricky task or everyday hurdles - always have the right method to hand.


Sign up - for more structure, security and motivation in your life.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops with a total of four dates. The next three dates will focus on the following topics:

  • 08 May 2025 | 16:00 - 18:30 | Effective time management & setting priorities
  • May 21, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:30 | Digital tools for collaboration & cooperation
  • June 19, 2025 | 16:00 - 18:30 | Stress management & resilience in everyday study life

After completing at least 3 out of 4 events, participants will receive a certificate of attendance for a total of 10 workshop hours plus 12 hours of self-study & reflection phases.

The workshop series is initiated and carried out by the studienerfolg@saxHAW project.

Target groups: Students of all semesters

Format: Impulse workshop

Registration/contact: Aline Schulz aline.schulz(at)

Thursday, April 24, 2025 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Co-Creation Lab Celsiuz
Äußere Oybiner Straße 16
02763 Zittau

Aline Schulz
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 404
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4906


Application number: 100707152
Funding recipient: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Duration: 01.04.2024-31.03.2026
Funding provider: SAB/ ESF Plus
Maximum grant: EUR 458,776.18