30. June 2023

Focus on sustainability and the circular economy

A joint excursion to Mainz reveals inspiring business practices to students.

A three-day excursion to Mainz by our Ecology & Environmental Protection students and our Master's students on the Integrated Management Systems/Integrated Management course offered a wealth of insights into companies that are committed to sustainability. The excursion took place from May 22 to 24:

Day 1: Visit to Schnellecke

On Monday morning, the participants started at 7:30 a.m. at the university in Zittau. The first stop was a visit to the Schnellecke company. Schnellecke, which is known for its innovative logistics solutions, has developed an impressive approach to minimizing its ecological footprint. The company is increasingly focusing on environmentally friendly logistics practices to optimize the use of resources and reduce energy consumption.

One of Schnellecke's focuses is on the efficient use of transportation. By implementing state-of-the-art route planning systems and utilizing the vehicles on its routes, the company has been able to significantly reduce fuel consumption. This not only leads to cost savings, but also to a significant reduction inCO2 emissions.

Furthermore, Schnellecke has taken measures to promote the use of renewable energies. The company has installed solar panels on its warehouses and logistics centers to obtain part of the required electricity from clean energy sources. This further minimizes theCO2 footprint and contributes to climate protection.

Day 2: Visits to Werner & Merz and the Hoechst Industrial Park

After the visit to Schnellecke, the group made its way to Mainz. On Tuesday, two companies were on the agenda. First we visited the company Werner & Merz. Werner & Merz, a company with a clear focus on sustainability and environmental protection, showed the participants how these values are implemented in all aspects of their business. The brands "Frosch" and "Erdal" are certainly well known to all.

A central focus of Werner & Merz is on sustainability in connection with the circular economy. The company has developed a comprehensive strategy to fulfill its ecological responsibility and promote sustainable practices. Werner & Merz has also established a comprehensive waste management program. Through the introduction of recycling measures and especially through the Recyclate Initiative, Werner and Merz has taken on a pioneering role in the circular economy.

The students were given a comprehensive insight into the various measures that the company has taken to fulfill its ecological responsibility.

The tour then continued to Hoechst Industrial Park. The Hoechst Industrial Park, which is one of the largest and most diverse industrial sites in Europe, showed the students how the park can operate more effectively through the circular economy.

A highlight of the excursion was the visit to the wastewater treatment plant at Hoechst Industrial Park. There, the participants were given an insight into the treatment technologies used to purify the wastewater. The plant operates according to strict environmental standards and ensures that the treated wastewater is safely returned to the environment.

Another focal point at Hoechst Industrial Park was an informative presentation on the integrated management system. This system serves to coordinate and optimize all aspects of environmental protection and sustainability in the park. By integrating environmental protection measures into all operational processes, Hoechst Industrial Park strives to minimize its environmental impact and promote ecologically sustainable solutions.

Day 3: PIUS country conference and return to Zittau

The third day of the excursion began with participation in the PIUS country conference. Production-integrated environmental protection (PIUS) increases resource efficiency and makes an active contribution to climate protection. At the same time, costs in companies can be reduced and competitiveness strengthened.

The three megatrends of digitalization, transformation and green economy were examined at the conference. Many other exciting topics were discussed, such as the water footprint. The students had the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and gain new insights.

After the conference, the group returned to Zittau. The students returned home with many new impressions and a broader understanding of sustainability and environmental management in practice.

Companies focus on sustainability and the circular economy

The companies visited showed a high level of commitment to sustainability and the circular economy. Schnellecke relies on environmentally friendly logistics solutions to minimize its ecological footprint. Werner & Merz is committed to sustainability in a variety of ways and has taken measures to reduce its ecological footprint. Coupled production processes and an integrated management system play a central role at the Hoechst Industrial Park.

The excursion offered the students a valuable insight into the practice of sustainable management. The PIUS country conference rounded off the program and enabled an exchange on current challenges and innovative solutions in the field of environmental management.

Overall, the excursion to Mainz was a complete success and offered our students the opportunity to expand their knowledge and benefit from the experiences of the companies they visited. The impressions and insights gained will certainly contribute to future discussions on sustainability and environmental management in the curriculum.

Thank you very much!

A big thank you goes to the companies that made it possible for us to gain insights and to the bus company "Komm Mit" and our driver André, who took us safely and well from place to place.

Photo: Dipl.-Kffr. Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Ihre Ansprechperson
Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 205
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4706