11. April 2024

Green classroom: a symbolic start!

Tree planting on the Zittau campus on the occasion of the external cabinet meeting of the Saxon state government marks the start of the construction of the Green Classroom.

High-ranking visit and discussions about future projects

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Minister President Michael Kretschmer and the members of the Saxon state government met for an external cabinet meeting at the Zittau campus of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the district of Görlitz, to which District Administrator Dr. Stephan Meyer, Mayor Thomas Zenker and Rector Prof. Dr. Alexander Kratzsch were invited as guests.

Minister President Kretschmer opened the meeting with words of appreciation:

A cabinet meeting at a university is something special and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is something special: a strong educational and research institution and a beacon of science in this region.
Michael Kretschmer, Minister President of Saxony

Afterwards, Mayor Zenker and Rector Prof. Dr. Kratzsch addressed the cabinet members. The meeting included intensive discussions on the topic of structural change and the planned teacher training program at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the University of Leipzig. Key future topics and projects in our region were also highlighted. Prof. Dr. Kratzsch, for example, gave the cabinet an insight into the initiatives "Zukunftslernort Oberlausitz (ZukLOS)" and "Green Zitty", which are making significant contributions to the sustainable development of the region. The topics are closely linked to the planned introduction of the civil engineering degree course.

We are extremely grateful that the Saxon state government has come to our campus for its cabinet meeting abroad. This attention and recognition for our region and university shows us that we have important support at state level with our diverse projects for university and regional development.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector

Tree planting as a symbolic start for the green classroom

Another important milestone on this day was the tree planting on the Zittau campus. This event served as a symbolic start to the "Green Classroom" project for the future learning location of Upper Lusatia. Minister President Michael Kretschmer, Minister of State Sebastian Gemkow, Johann Scheffel as representative of the student council, Thomas Krusekopf as representative of the General Business Association Zittau and Surroundings and the Rector Prof. Dr. Alexander Kratzsch took part in the planting. The planting underlines the commitment of the city and university to environmental education and sustainable campus design.

Project manager and Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil enthusiastically summed up the event on her Instagram channel:

Is there a better way to start a day than by planting a tree? Together with our Prime Minister, this tree marks the starting point for the construction of our green classroom and the "Green Zitty 2032" initiative, in which we will develop an exemplary city of the future.
Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil via Instagram

The student council of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences was also positive about the project:

As the Student Council, we support the Vice-Rector's efforts to make the campus greener and friendlier for students. We represent the wishes and suggestions of the student body and can participate directly in the planning and implementation.
Student Council via Instagram

Building the green classroom: a step towards the green city of Zittau

The construction of the "Green Classroom" as part of the strategic project " Zukunftslernort Oberlausitz" (Upper Lusatia as a place of learning for the future ) is part of the plan to further develop the Green City of Zittau. On the initiative of the Allgemeiner Unternehmerverband Zittau und Umgebung e.V., the city of Zittau is aiming to apply for the State Garden Show in the period from 2030 to 2035 under the project title "Green Zitty". A cooperation agreement between the town of Zittau and Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences has already been concluded for this purpose.

Exchange between politics, business and university

The breakfast for entrepreneurs, which took place in the Co-Cration Lab Celsiuz at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the run-up to the cabinet meeting, also provided valuable space to promote exchange between state politicians, local companies and the university. Among other things, the importance of the resumption of civil engineering studies at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences for the region was discussed. Another topic was how the advantages of living, doing business and studying in our region can be made even more visible and communicated.

Summary of a special day

All in all, this special and extraordinary day at our university provided plenty of inspiration and motivation for the further development of our university and region. Entirely in the spirit of our participatory  "University for Future" university development process. Or to put it in the words of Rector Prof. Dr. Kratzsch: "The HSZG is a university from the region for the region!"

The green classroom - a look into the future

The Green Classroom, a project within the "Campus4You" field of action of the Future Learning Location Upper Lusatia (ZukLOS), stands for innovation, education and sustainability. The aim of this project is to create a multifunctional meeting and learning space that brings people of all generations together on the campus in Zittau.

Key points of the green classroom:

  • Target group: The green classroom is aimed at people of all generations, with a special focus on students, employees of the HSZG and school pupils.
  • Capacity: 30 people can be accommodated in this innovative learning space.
  • Outdoor design: The outdoor areas will be equipped with seating islands, a fitness area including calisthenics and weight training facilities, a covered pergola with a PV system, table tennis tables, hammocks, volleyball nets and raised beds.
  • Interior design: A makerspace in the neighboring building supports extracurricular learning with 3D printers, workbenches and a sewing machine, to name just a few examples.
  • Schedule: Construction planning is set to begin in spring 2025, with the goal of completing the project by winter semester 2025.

Further information:

For detailed information on the project and related initiatives, visit the official ZukLOS site at https://zuklos.hszg.de

The green classroom is more than just a physical space; it symbolizes a commitment to sustainable development and provides a place of gathering and learning for the community. By combining education, nature and technology, it becomes a living example of what future-oriented educational approaches can look like.

Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Antje Pfitzner
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3031