Message details

11. November 2022

Expert exchange and networking meeting "Integrated management systems"

IMS experts advise on challenges in their professional practice

Schellecke Logistics SE, DVB, Deutsche Bahn AG, StudierendenWERK Berlin, Fraunhofer Institutes, Digades GmbH, BioNTech Site Services, Borkum Environmental Agency, SachsenEnergy, OneTrust, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences...

Sustainability Analyst, Head of Integrated Management, SHE Manager, Climate Protection Manager, Sustainability Manager, Associate Consultant, Senior Consultant, Head of Group Sustainability Management, Specialist for Environment, Energy, Sustainability, ...

... these are just a few examples of the professional fields and companies in which graduates of ourIntegratedManagement/Integrated Management SystemsMaster's degree programs work.

On 28-29.10.2022, they all came to Zittau again for the 1st professional exchange and networking meeting of our degree programs. They have been in existence since 2015 and five cohorts of students have successfully completed their studies so far. The entire Integrated Management Systems (TIMS) team was also on board.

During the event, exciting questions about integrated management systems and the graduates' everyday working lives were answered:
Who does what and why? What professional experience have they gained in the field of management systems? What are the long-running issues and current trends in the day-to-day work of integrated management systems (IMS)?

The interactive exchange was carried out with the help of many professional methods such as constellation exercises on the topic of sustainability or supply chain due diligence in the companies, speed interviews on top-and-flop projects, but also personal rounds of talks with table discussions on: Key Performance Indicators, climate targets in the company, integration approaches of different management systems and communication best practice. The intensive professional and personal exchange hardly knew an interruption and provided valuable input for the participants' own professional practice.

In addition to this exchange, there was also valuable input on the current TIMS projects of the HSZG, which were presented by means of keynote speeches and a poster exhibition, such as "KMU Klima deal - Unternehmen auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität", "Trendorientierte integrierte Managementsysteme" or "Klimamanagement an der HSZG". However, the dual study program in the field of "Integrated Management Systems" also aroused interest among the graduates, as they also have to take care of personnel growth.

The campus tour, which was of course a must, took us to the Celsiuz Co-Creation Lab, where Martin Kunack gave us an exciting and very convincing explanation of the development history and intention, as well as the current and planned use. A visit to House VI and the study and examination rooms was of course obligatory, as was the tour and hike through the Zittau Mountains.

There are not many occasions when so many IMS experts come together at the same time, who have gone through the same training and have matured professionally very quickly in a short space of time, to engage in an open, cordial, serious and appreciative professional exchange about current challenges in IMS.

It quickly became clear that this form of network meeting and professional exchange should now be held regularly in order to further promote cooperation and the transfer of know-how between our IMS experts and with TIMS.


Events like this only work with the support of many people. We would therefore like to thank:

  • the TIMS, in particular Melanie Messow, Markus Will, Anke Zenker-Hoffmann, Martin Sturm and Markus Will for the technical and organizational preparation and implementation
  • the research administration, in particular Dr. Lothar Kahnt, Stefanie Wobst, Lutz Haberland, Natalia Stelmach
  • the technical administration, in particular Henry Beyer, Steffen Günzel
  • public relations, in particular Susanne Fentzel
  • Celsiuz, in particular Martin Kunack
  • the catering by Freund Blase
  • the technical support provided by Roman Stange and Michael Hessel
  • the venues, Vinyl and EMIL e.V.
Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jana Brauweiler
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Jana Brauweiler
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 07
First floor
+49 3583 612-4752

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