Message details

12. April 2024

"A tremendous achievement!"

Zittau high school student Helena Krüger investigates the flight behavior of shuttlecocks at the HSZG and receives special prize at "Jugend forscht 2024"

Pondered, improvised, tested, optimized...finally documented, submitted and presented. When Helena Krüger, a prospective high school graduate from Zittau's Christian-Weise-Gymnasium, and her teacher, Mr. Ulrich Franz, "hit" their shuttlecocks in the laboratory for fluid mechanics & fluid energy machines at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at our Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences just over a year ago, it was initially impossible to foresee where the resulting collaboration might one day lead.

"However, it quickly became clear how much passion and commitment she puts into combining her hobby of badminton with her advanced physics course," enthuses Felix Rothe. The laboratory engineer for fluid mechanics and fluid energy machines accompanied Helena from the very beginning in the implementation of her special learning achievement (BELL). She has now won the state competition "Jugend forscht 2024" in the field of physics and won a total of three special prizes: one each from the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs, from the Federal Ministry for the Environment and from Carl Zeiss AG.  "In addition to A-levels and sport, this really is an enormous achievement," the laboratory engineer is convinced.

In her project "Investigation of the dynamic longitudinal stability of different shuttlecock models", the 18-year-old high school student researched the aerodynamic properties of different shuttlecocks. "More specifically, Helena investigated the pitching and resonance behavior of two new types of shuttlecock - the hybrid and carbon shuttlecock - using torque measurement and a high-speed camera in comparison to the already known behavior of synthetic and natural shuttlecocks in our free jet section, evaluated the measurements, created diagrams and compared the results with her research," reports Felix Rothe. This resulted in new scientific findings on aerodynamics, which Helena presented at the beginning of March at the regional competition in Eastern Saxony of "Jugend forscht 2024". Her strong presentation impressed the jury, earning her first place and an invitation to the state finals in Dresden on March 23.

Felix Rothe reports on the day: "Helena's presentation to the jury took place at 09:30 in the morning. After chemistry and biology, it was now physics' turn. To cut a long story short: Helena won, shared first place with another candidate, received the golden ticket and will be going to the national final in Heilbronn on May 30." She also receives three special prizes. At the announcement, 'Team Zittau', consisting of Helena's parents, her boyfriend, her teacher and Felix Rothe with his two children, cheered so loudly that the presenter couldn't help but ask: "Wow, who did you bring with you?" Helena's answer: "The whole gang."

"A bond has indeed been formed here," says Felix Rothe happily, "and a wonderful, successful collaboration between her, the Christian-Weise-Gymnasium Zittau and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences to boot." Helena's gang is ready for the next steps. If she succeeds in Heilbronn, her next goal may be the international competition in Los Angeles. We are curious.

Text: Cornelia Rothe and Felix Rothe

A good collaboration!

In her research project, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences supported Helena in the laboratory for fluid mechanics & fluid energy machines with appropriate measurement technology and the provision of the nozzle free jet section. The equipment comes from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (specifically the Department of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Energy Machines) and the Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology (IPM) and is used in the following degree courses: Energy and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Green Engineering and Engineering Education.

It was reported here!

Medienservice "Jugend forscht 2024" state competition: Special prize from the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs goes to Zittau high school student

Sächsische Zeitung: Zittau schoolgirl wins "Jugend forscht" with badminton experiment

Photo: M.Eng. Felix Rothe
Ihre Ansprechperson
Felix Rothe
02763 Zittau
Pistoiaer Weg 1
Building Z VIIb, Room Hall 8
+49 3583 612 4880