21. June 2018

Cheese And Wine - come on in: The Saxony5 team introduces itself

Invitation to a cozy end to the working day.

Dear professors and university staff

The term "Saxony5" is buzzing around the university and some of you have already heard about the new "big" project. We would like to introduce you all to what the project will be about for (at least) the next 5 years, but we would like to meet you in person even more.

To this end, we are organizing a cozy end-of-day event on 21.06.2018 from 15:30 - 19:00 - parallel to the KIA trainer meeting - on the roof terrace of House Z IV. This will not only allow you to talk to us, but also with partners of the university and your colleagues. In addition to cheese and wine - because the name says it all - there will also be other small appetizers and a non-alcoholic do-it-yourself cocktail bar accompanied by Caribbean sounds.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please register at saxony5(at)hszg.de


Your Saxony5 Team


Kristin Sprechert and Martin Kunack

