Event details

33rd energy seminar

Waste heat utilization in the heat supply

Begin 04. November 2024 - 09:45 Uhr
End 04. November 2024 - 23:55 Uhr

The Zittau Energy Seminar has been held at our university since 1990.

The aim of the international exchange of experience between industry and science is to provide recommendations for action to meet the challenges of energy supply. In addition to market and technology analyses, this includes in particular exemplary practical examples of the present. Every year, 50-100 representatives from a wide range of market players come together to present questions and answers from both the supply and demand side.

The Energy Seminar is an independent knowledge platform for energy suppliers, industrial companies, commercial, retail and service companies as well as decision-makers from local authorities, administrations and public institutions. Free from commercial interests, the practice-oriented seminar contributes to advancing the transformation of the energy supply in the area of conflict between economic efficiency, environmental compatibility and security of supply.

One focus of the energy seminar is on increasing energy efficiency in the supply of electricity, gas and heat. Successful solutions will be presented, experiences exchanged and joint research and development projects initiated. The HSZG Energy Seminar sees itself not only as a technical and economic event, but also as a source of inspiration for energy policy. Existing application knowledge is to be shared and new knowledge jointly developed. The aim of the commitment of Stadtwerke Görlitz AG and Stadtwerke Zittau GmbH is to position themselves as knowledge carriers on issues relating to the infrastructure industry and to actively help shape the energy seminar as a future platform for exchange with municipal utility partners and potential customers.

Further information

Event flyer

You can contact us at

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Tino Schütte
Wissenschaftliche Leitung
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Tino Schütte
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstrasse 21
Building Z II, Room 016.2
First floor
+49 3583 612-4647