Bachelor of Arts

Special Education / Inclusion Studies

Understanding inclusion, accessibility and equal participation. Putting our heart and soul into supporting people with disabilities and marginalized groups.

Curative Education / Inclusion Studies Bachelor's degree program

Faculty: Social Sciences
Location: Görlitz
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Standard period of study: 7 semesters
ECTS points: 210
Enrollment for: Winter semester
Admission restriction: None
Accreditation status: accredited

The course is aimed at pedagogically oriented people who, after completing their studies, want to work with people of all ages whose social participation is made more difficult due to exclusionary life experiences and situations. Their areas of application not only extend to the "classic" fields of helping the disabled, but also include areas of child, youth and elderly care, education and health care.

Your course content in the Bachelor's degree program in Curative Education / Inclusion Studies

1st semester
  • Towards inclusion in Europe  
  • Human scientific foundations for inclusion
2nd semester
  • Interdisciplinary skills (compulsory elective modules)
  • Socio-political foundations for inclusion 
  • Body and soul - salutogenesis and pathogenesis
3rd semester
  • Diagnostics and planning   
  • Behavior and action   
4th semester
  • Interventions taking into account ecosystemic conditions    
  • Research and project work   
5th semester

Accompanied practical module: Inclusive action

6th semester
  • Assistance, support and encouragement  
  • Educational roots of inclusion   
7th semester
  • Applied research: science and ethics
  • Final module (Bachelor thesis and defense)
  • Admission requirements

    General or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences.

    Applicants with a qualification as a technician, business economist, master craftsman or similar. Completion of advanced vocational training according to §18(3) of the SächsHSFG must take part in a counseling interview for general university admission.

  • Target group

    The course is aimed at people with a pedagogical orientation who, after completing their studies, want to work with people of all age groups whose social participation is made more difficult as a result of disabilities, exclusionary life experiences and situations.

  • Contents and focus

    The degree program is divided into 14 modules: Eleven with a scope of 15 credit points (ECTS) or 450 working hours, one module (no. 9) with a scope of 30 ECTS or 900 working hours, one module (no. 3) with a scope of 10 ECTS or 300 working hours and one module (no. 14) with a scope of 5 ECTS or 150 working hours.

    Of a total of 6,300 hours of study, 960 take place in practical placements.

    1. Direction Inclusion in Europe
    2. Human scientific foundations for inclusion
    3. Socio-political foundations for inclusion
    4. Body and soul - salutogenesis and pathogenesis
    5. Diagnostics and planning
    6. Behavior and action
    7. Interventions taking into account ecosystemic conditions
    8. Research and project work
    9. Accompanied practical module: Inclusive action 
    10. Assistance, life support and promotion
    11. Pedagogical roots of inclusion
    12. Applied research: science and ethics
    13. Final module (Bachelor's thesis and defense)
    14. Interdisciplinary skills (compulsory elective modules)
  • Study program

    Scope of the course

    The full-time and attendance course comprises seven semesters with a total of 210 ECTS credits. After successfully passing the final examination, the academic degree "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) is awarded.

    State recognition

    State recognition certifies the qualifications and skills that are a prerequisite for public employment in social fields of activity.

    At present, state recognition is still associated with an additional examination, which is organized by our faculty. However, it is planned that with the reaccreditation of the degree course, this will no longer be necessary for the 2022 intake and will be awarded together with the Bachelor's degree. For further information and the current status, please consult:

  • Study objectives

    The aim of this Bachelor's degree programme is to qualify students to understand new scientific findings and concepts as well as socio-political goals regarding inclusion, accessibility and equal participation of people with disabilities and marginalized groups. They will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills professionally in educational and social professions to support, accompany and empower these people.

    Inclusion is a socio-ethical concept and includes the basic understanding of a society in which belonging and the inclusion of all people in the heterogeneity of all social groups is a matter of course.

    The aim is not to adapt people to existing systems, but to fundamentally include all people in social processes. This means that all people help to shape community offerings according to their needs, abilities and skills, thereby enabling participation and involvement. Inclusion aims to develop systems that reflect the diversity of people and support diversity.

    This Bachelor's degree program enables students to deal with these challenges professionally in order to be able to shape inclusion competently in the future.

  • Career prospects
    • Residential homes for people with disabilities and mental illnesses
    • (Integrative) day care centers
    • Early intervention centers
    • Inclusive schools
    • Special schools
    • (Inclusion) assistance and support in educational institutions and companies
    • Workshops for people with disabilities
    • Rehabilitative facilities
    • Neuro- and socio-pediatric centers
    • Curative education day centers
    • Social psychiatric day centers
    • Child and adolescent psychiatric practices
    • (Partial) inpatient facilities for child and adolescent psychiatry or adult psychiatry
    • Educational and family counseling centers
    • Social and curative educational support facilities
    • Youth welfare offices and other administrative bodies
    • Outpatient and inpatient youth welfare facilities
    • Vocational rehabilitation facilities
    • Family support services
    • Facilities for the elderly
    • Fields of public or socio-political work
    • Colleges and universities


    This is a current selection. Due to professional reorientation in the health, education and social sectors, certain expansions of the fields of activity are possible for future graduates.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Ingolf Prosetzky
Prof. Dr. phil.
Ingolf Prosetzky
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building I, Room 2.07
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4287
Allgemeine Studienberatung
Madeleine Pohl
Department of Studies and International Affairs
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.21
First floor
+49 3583 612-3055
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