Is your choice of degree really a decision for life?
"What do you want people to think of you?" - Most of us have probably heard this statement more than once in our lives.
The most important message first: it doesn't matter what people think, what matters is what YOU think of yourself.
You are allowed to change your mind.
You are allowed to change your mind.
And you are allowed to do all of this for yourself in order to be happy.
You are not the person you were a week, a month or a year ago. You meet people who have a lasting impact on you, gain experience and expand your knowledge in all areas of your life every day.
Society gives us the feeling that it is only possible to become successful if you follow through with what you have started. Dropping out of an apprenticeship or course of study? That's not right. Then you've failed, you'll be ridiculed and then nothing can become of you anyway.
Apart from the fact that we are all something when we are born, that you are already you and have everything you need inside you to be the best version of yourself, this is all pretty big bullshit!
How is everyone supposed to know what's right for them as soon as they leave school? The world is open to you, you have countless options, be it an internship, an FSJ, a year as an au pair, an apprenticeship or a degree. All these options can cause us to waver, which is not a bad thing. If you are also a very enthusiastic person, you will probably find it even more difficult to decide what you want.
We often don't have the courage to revise our decision, to break something off, to end something in order to pursue new paths that offer the chance for greater happiness. The feeling of being a failure rises up inside you. You feel less worthy because you identify yourself through your career path, because that is exactly what society imposes on us. But your health, both mentally and physically, is the most important thing in your life - stress, pressure and dissatisfaction make you ill in the long term. Every decision you make, every path you take, enriches you. Don't see it as a failure, but as "getting to know yourself better". Know what your needs, strengths and passions are.
After dropping out of university, I applied for an apprenticeship and feared that my decision would backfire on me. I was even ashamed in a way. In the end, I was told that, among other things, I had got the job precisely because of this experience and my development.
So why don't we finally reprogram our minds? See an opportunity in everything instead of the negative? Why do we make ourselves small, even though we can all make a big difference?
"A Zen master was asked by a student how he could become successful. The answer was "By making the right decisions." The student then asked how he could learn to make the right decisions. The Zen master replied that this would require experience. But how could you gain this experience? The master replied: "By making the wrong decisions." Lars Amend, book: It's All Good
So make the wrong decisions, live your life to the fullest and find something that lights the fire in you, no matter how long it takes!
The HSZG offers you exactly these opportunities! To try yourself out. To find yourself. To make new decisions. And above all - to grow.
The variety of degree programs and the small seminar groups are perfect for getting into areas that spark your interest! By sharing your experiences with other students, it is also possible for you to change courses within this university. Exams can be recognized, the student advisory service is there to help and advise you and fellow students who become friends can support you on an emotional level!
The proof of the pudding is in the eating - dare to try!
Luisa Anders, studies culture and management