28. May 2024

Excellently staged

The weekend seminars at the Saxon Film Academy in Görlitz inspire participants. There are still places available for upcoming courses.

New weekend seminars launched

The Saxon Film Academy in Görlitz recently opened its series of new weekend seminars. The Berlin production designer and film set designer Christiane Chaboissier was a guest at the Film Academy in Görlitz with the topic "The Production Design as Characterization of Film Characters". Christiane Chaboissier has been working as a film decorator / set decorator and production designer for around 20 years and can look back on an impressive filmography of over 30 feature films.

She has two major film productions in Görlitz, for which she was responsible as film decorator and set designer: " Das Haus der Träume" (The House of Dreams), an elaborate historical series from the 1920s and 1930s, in which the Görlitz department store and the Görlitz city center played an important role for weeks. The second film production was "The School of Magical Animals 3". Here, too, the Görlitz department store made a major appearance, as did the university campus in Görlitz.(We reported on this.)

What influence does the set design have on the plot?

Highly motivated seminar participants, most of whom already had relevant experience of film sets or had completed a degree in production design, were enthusiastic about the two-day seminar and discussed questions such as: What influence does the set design have on the plot? How does it reflect the inner development of the characters?

The seminar provided an insight based on numerous examples and practical exercises. The seminar participants were particularly interested in the explanations of the planning and logistical challenges that were necessary for the episodes of "House of Dreams" and "The School of Magical Animals 3".

The next SFA weekend seminars will take place in June. There are still a few places available.

Register now for the new weekend seminars

The SFA weekend seminars on the professional field of film set design in Görlitz

Sat. / Sun. June 1 / 2, 2024   
Adrienne Zeidler, production designer - Berlin
- What is production design?

What is set design and what tasks does it fulfill? About the conception of the spatial, visual look and the collaboration with production, direction and camera.
Searching for motifs and set design. Logistics and calculation
Examples of our own film projects

Costs: 190,00 Euro

The introductory weekend seminars in Görlitz

The introductory seminars offer an initial orientation to the respective film areas and refer to the assistant courses with more in-depth content.

Sat. / Sun. June 15 / 16, 2024   
Steffen Cieplik, cinematographer, editor, producer - Potsdam / Görlitz
Bernd Hölsken, cinematographer, senior lighting technician, lecturer - Berlin / Görlitz
- Basics of camera technology and lighting design

Technical components of a camera set-up
Considerations for scenic image resolution
Basics of lighting design
Knowledge of materials, light and grip
Practical exercises

Costs: 190,00 Euro


Further information on the seminars and the lecturers can be found in the flyer and on the SFA website.

An informal registration for the seminars can be sent with your full address to: .

Bernd Hölsken
Ihre Ansprechperson
Graduate designer and cameraman
Bernd Hölsken
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 205
1st floor
+49 3581 878-4589
02826 Görlitz
+49 3581 374-4784