Systemic supervision

Systemic supervision and coaching

This advanced course is aimed at systemic consultants, therapists and/or coaches who have completed training and further education in systemic counseling, systemic therapy and/or systemic coaching in accordance with the standards of the Systemic Society (SG) or the German Society for Therapy, Counseling and Family Therapy (DGSF).
The fundamentals of a systemic attitude and basic knowledge of the fundamental inventory of methods of systemic practice are a prerequisite and are supplemented, further developed and transferred for the area of professional quality assurance through supervision and coaching.

  • Course management

    The North German Institute for Short-Term Therapy, NIK e.V. Bremen in cooperation with the Institute for Systemic Work Chemnitz, ISA Chemnitz, is responsible for the content of the course.


    Dr. phil. Manfred Vogt (NIK)
    Psychological psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, systemic family therapist and hypnotherapist, systemic teaching therapist/teaching supervisor (SG/DGSF), teaching coach (SG), teaching child and adolescent therapist (DGSF). Lecturer (NIVT) and supervisor for behavioral therapy (DGVT) and supervisor at the Society for Systemic Therapy and Counseling in Berlin (GST-Berlin GmbH). Authorized for further training in systemic therapy by the Bremen Chamber of Psychotherapists. Systemic supervisor at the founding member and board member of the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), Paris and the International Alliance of Solution-focused Teaching Institutes (IASTI), Oostende. Head of NIK Bremen.

    Herbert E. Förster (NIK)
    Graduate psychologist, graduate social pedagogue, teaching supervisor (SG/DGSF), systemic therapist and consultant (SG), specialist consultant for day care centers at the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Bremen. Consultant and supervisor for various fields of activity in social work, education and health in freelance practice.

    Rita Freitag (ISA)
    Graduate social pedagogue, teaching therapist (SG), teacher for counseling and therapy (DGSF), systemic consultant and therapist (SG, DGsP), hypnotherapist clinical hypnosis (M.E.G.), systemic supervisor (DGSv, SG), trauma educator and trauma-centered specialist consultant (DeGPT, FVTP), systemic lecturer (DGsP), authorized signatory and shareholder of the Gesellschaft für Systemische Arbeiten ISA GmbH & Co. KG.

    Matthias Freitag (ISA)
    Graduate psychologist, teaching therapist (SG), teacher for counselling and therapy (DGSF), systemic consultant and family therapist (SG), specialist psychologist for clinical psychology/psychotherapy (BDP), systemic supervisor (SG), consultant for organizational and personnel development (TU Chemnitz), consultant for organizational and personnel development in small and medium-sized enterprises (Univ. GH Kassel), trauma educator and trauma-centered consultant (DeGPT, FVTP), systemic lecturer (DGsP), managing partner of the Gesellschaft für Systemische Arbeiten ISA GmbH & Co. KG.

  • Aims of the training

    The aim of the training to become a systemic supervisor is to impart practical knowledge in order to work in a goal-, resource- and solution-oriented manner. In addition to the application of creative systemic supervision methods, the focus is on the development of personal skills and abilities. Participants receive a variety of training opportunities and targeted feedback on their skills and abilities in order to identify with the role of a supervisor and develop their own fundamental personal attitude. This includes both the professional content and the personal side of professional action. The participants' practical work is supervised through video recordings or live consultation. Our international team of trainers also provides participants with a wide range of insights and suggestions for different issues and challenges.

    The practice of supervision and coaching in clinical, therapeutic and educational contexts, in personnel and team development and in counseling is diverse. A wide variety of interests and goals are reconciled. 

    In practice, this means meeting diverse expectations with communicative skills and systemic attitudes, as summarized in the learning objectives of system and process competence. These include

    • Analytical skills, i.e. collecting relevant information and synthesizing contexts of meaning,
    • Process skills, i.e. planning and implementing concrete sequences of events and action steps and proceeding in a goal-oriented manner,
    • Interactive skills, i.e. systematically stimulating certain behaviors or reacting appropriately to them,
    • Conceptual skills, i.e. the ability to relate thematic contexts to one another,
    • Relationship skills, i.e. recognizing and practicing appropriate behaviour with regard to different roles, norms and contexts.
    • Attitudes such as multidirectional partiality, neutrality, resource orientation, appreciation, curiosity.

    The training is based on the systemic solution-focused approach of the NIK, the hypnosystemic approach of the ISA and other systemic change concepts.


    It enables you to transfer systemic ways of thinking and acting to various fields of action.

  • Requirements of the participants
    • Completed university degree
    • 5 years of professional experience
    • Prior training as a systemic counselor (SG/DGSF), systemic therapist (SG/DGSF) or systemic coach (SG/DGSF).
  • Structure of the training

    This two-year and, if desired, two-stage* in-service training (advanced course) starts on 21.09.2022.

    The  entire training comprises 550 units:

    • 250 units of theory and methodology
    •   50 units of self-reflection relevant to the profession
    • 100 units of teaching supervision
    •   50 units of intervision group meetings with recording of content (self-organized)
    • 100 units of supervision practice documented and proven in writing
    • 5 written documentation of completed supervision processes,
      of which one process comprises at least 10 sessions and only one process was carried out as individual supervision
    • 2 live/video supervisions in the teaching supervision sessions
    • Final colloquium

    1 teaching unit (TU) comprises 45 minutes

  • Dates and topics

    Dates and content:

    The dates and sequence of topics correspond to the current planning status. Changes are possible and will be announced in good time. The daily training time of the attendance events is 9 am - 6 pm.


    Training part 1 (can be booked separately - completion: 2023) *

    Super Perspectives / Manfred Vogt
    3 days: 19-21.09.2022

    - Frame of reference: Conceptual workspace
    - Initial contact: Clarifying the context and assignment
    - Understanding roles: supervision and coaching

    Teaching supervision (1) Reflection on practice & Meta-supervision / Matthias Freitag
    (10 days in total during the course)
    1 day: 28.11.2022

    - Video analysis and live supervision
    - Reflection on personal development
    - Process analysis and case documentation

    Team supervision and team coaching / Lecturer NN NIK Bremen
    3 days: 14-16.12.2022

    - Resource-oriented team development
    - Teamogram, co-alignment & Synergy
    - Management of team conflicts

    Working with shares/ambivalences / Matthias Freitag
    3 days: 12-14.01.2023

    - Multiplicity models
    - Shares of supervisor and supervisee
    - Intervention models

    Perspectives in the action space / Manfred Vogt
    3 days: 17.-19.04.2023

    - Discovering perceptual perspectives
    - Setting perceptual perspectives
    - The creative cycle

    Teaching supervision (2-4) / Manfred Vogt
    3 days: 05.-07.06.2023

    Self-awareness I: Personal patterns / Rita Freitag, Prof. Dr. Maja Dshemuchadse
    3 days: 23-25.08.2023

    - Patterns from the system of origin
    - Role patterns / attitudes
    - Belief polarities

    Structural constellations in the context of supervision / Herbert E. Förster
    3 days: 26-28.10.2023

    - Team structure constellation (TSA)
    - Values square and tetralemma in the context of supervision
    - System board and coaching disc

    Teaching supervision (5-6) / Matthias Freitag
    2 days: 06.-07.11.2024

    Training part 2 (can be booked separately - completion: 2024) *

    Impact techniques and embodiment / Matthias Freitag
    2 days: 29.02.-01.03.2024

    - Rituals and performative language
    - Bodywork
    - "Problem-solving gymnastics"

    Leadership supervision / Manfred Vogt (Herbert E. Förster)
    3 days (incl. 1 day of teaching supervision): 08-10.04.2024

    - Employee and criticism discussions, re-teaming
    - Using meta-programs, roles & Rules
    - Teaching supervision (7)

    Self-experience II: Dilemmas - My roles as a supervisor / Rita Freitag
    2 days: 23-24.05.2024

    - Counseling without advice? - Supervision as complementary counselling
    - Belonging and observing
    - Process design between external and self-organization

    Health coaching & Burnout prophylaxis / Manfred Vogt (Katrin Trappe)
    3 days (incl. 1 day teaching supervision): August 2024

    - Health-promoting and health-maintaining goals
    - Energy balance and equilibrium, stress management and serenity
    - Teaching supervision (8)

    Teaching supervision (9-10) / Matthias Freitag
    2 days: 02.-03.09.2024

    Final seminar and certification / Manfred Vogt
    3 days: 23-25.09.2024

    - Personal development
    - Evaluation and future
    - Certification

    During the entire period:

    Introduction to online supervision / Matthias Freitag
    1 day (spread over 4 blocks 18.30-20.30, online, dates to be announced)

    - Structuring individual and group settings online
    - Designing a cognitive and emotional online meeting space
    - Systemic methods for online supervision

  • Participation costs

    The participation costs for this training course with 400 training units under lecturers including NIK and university certificate amount to a total of EUR 6,100.00.


    Early bird price: with a binding registration by 30.06.22, the costs are reduced to EUR 5,900.00.


    Invoices are issued individually by arrangement. Monthly installments or partial payments, also module by module, are possible. For participants with a grant from the Sächsische Aufbaubank, an interim certificate (partial certificate) will be issued for the use of the grant.


    *It is also possible to book the two parts of the course separately and/or to join the course at a different time. The costs are then distributed as follows:

    Training part 1: € 3,660.00

    Training part 2: € 2,440.00

    (Early bird discounts can be taken into account!)


    Participants may incur further costs for additional umbrella organization certificates.

  • Application and certification

    Please send scanned applications (copies of certificates and proof of additional counseling/therapeutic qualifications) together with the binding application to the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. Your documents will help us to check your prospects of receiving umbrella organization certificates.


    The continuing education program ends with a qualifying university and NIK certificate for all achievements.


    With the NIK certificate and the above-mentioned prerequisites, there is the possibility of additional certification as a systemic supervisor by the umbrella organizations SG and DGSF. This may incur additional costs.



    Inquiries to:

    Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
    Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education

    Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
    02763 Zittau

    Tel: 03583/612 4706

    E-mail: weiterbildung(at)


    Coordinator for educational programs: Anke Zenker-Hoffmann


  • Venues in Saxony

    This course is preferably held in Chemnitz. The end of the course is planned in Görlitz.


    Chemnitz: ISA Chemnitz, Janssenfabrik, Schloßstraße 12, 09111 Chemnitz (paid parking in the immediate vicinity)


    Görlitz : Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Görlitz Campus: Brückenstraße 1, 02826 Görlitz

Photo: Dipl.-Kffr. Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 205
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4706