Bike & Cargo bike rental

Cargo bikes - an alternative to transportation mobility!

Rent a cargo bike, get moving in your everyday life, ride emission-free and stress-free and relieve the traffic and parking situation.

Discover new ways and transportation options for outings with the kids, for parcels and weekly shopping including crates of drinks.

Leave your car behind and give it a try:

- Register via and reserve for up to 3 days

- In the Niederhof, Kastanienallee 16, 02827 Görlitz or

- Pick it up at Rabryka, Bautzener Straße 32, 02826 Görlitz

- Drive off and bring back

We would like to thank our partners from Second Atemp e.V. and Miteinander Füreinander Jung und Alt Görlitz e.V. for this great offer and the cooperation!

Mountain bikes - bike rental by the student council

If you don't have your own bike or would like to ride through the wonderful Zittau region and the Zittau Mountains with your guests, you can hire one or two bikes from the StuRa of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences for a fair €3 a day or €5 for the weekend.

Detailed information at: https: //

Reservation requests by e-mail: studierendenrat(at)

Cargo bikes & Mountain bikes support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

You can find detailed information on the 17 sustainability goals at

Photo: M.Sc. Ulrike Bobek
Ulrike Bobek
Chancellor-related area
Environmental management
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 0.01
+49 3583 612-4785