I want to become a Buddy!

Buddy Program

Every year, we welcome students from other countries - so-called "incomers" - to the HSZG. Many of them are in Germany for the first time and are often traveling abroad alone for the first time. To make it easier for them to start their studies and settle into a new country, the Buddy Program has been in place since the summer semester 2022. Students who are familiar with university life at the HSZG and would like to support foreign students can register for the program and easily become a buddy.

The Buddy Program is organized by the student assistants of the International Office. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us at ! There you can register as a buddy or ask any questions you may have.

  • Becoming a Buddy is easy!


    • are open-minded and interested in other people and cultures?
    • can communicate well in English?
    • live in Zittau/Görlitz or the surrounding area?
    • would like to support international students when they arrive at the HSZG and help them settle into their new everyday life at the HSZG?

    Then you are perfect for our Buddy Program!

  • Tasks of the buddies

    The buddies' tasks include, among other things

    • picking up the incomers from the train station
    • Helping with the search for accommodation
    • assisting with visits to the authorities (e.g. residents' registration office)
    • helping with the timetable and finding your way around campus
    • Help with problems in everyday life
    • show you sports courses and leisure activities and possibly visit them together
    • visit the International Office
    • and, of course, what you do yourself!

    Of course, it is important for buddies to be able to find their way around the university and speak English well. There are no other requirements - apart from being open to other people and cultures, of course!

  • Crediting & ECTS

    Of course, there are also thank-you gifts for the volunteer work that the buddies do. In addition to a T-shirt and other goodies, buddies can have their commitment credited in ECTS points.

  • Further offers for foreign students

    In addition to the Buddy Program, foreign students have access to other university offers.

    Just like all other students, they can take part in the university sports facilities here.

    There are also various clubs, university initiatives and student clubs in Zittau and Görlitz here.

    And you can find out about other leisure activities here.

    Have fun exploring!