
17. October 2024

Starting signal for studies

HSZG celebrates matriculation with over 700 guests on October 2 in Zittau's Johanniskirche.

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) held its annual matriculation ceremony on October 2, 2024 in the impressive Johanniskirche church in the town of Zittau. This event traditionally marks the start of the new academic year and serves as an official welcome for all new students. Over 700 participants came together to celebrate this important moment in the lives of our "Erstis".

Flying high and a festive welcome

From 2:30 p.m., guests were invited to admire the architectural features of the Protestant church in Zittau, make their first contacts over coffee and pastries or climb the 266 steps up to St. John's Tower. From the top, guests were treated to an impressive view of the town of Zittau, the surrounding region and, of course, the HSZG campus.

The subsequent ceremony was hosted by Aileen Baumgärtner. The Master's student on the Management in Healthcare course charmingly led through the varied program, which was introduced with greetings from the Mayor of Zittau, Thomas Zenker, and the pastor, Mrs. Arne Mehnert.

The Rector of the HSZG, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch, addressed motivating words to the first semester students in his subsequent speech: "Today's matriculation marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. You have chosen to study at a university that not only offers you an excellent academic education, but also the opportunity to develop personally, build networks and put the knowledge you have acquired into practice immediately. For the benefit of society." He emphasized that students can always rely on the strong sense of community that is lived at the HSZG. Whether it was the campus app, university sports or health management, the Rector also encouraged students to take advantage of the university's wide range of offers and to actively shape their time.

Our promise for sustainable studies right from the start!

Once again this winter semester, a tree will be planted in the Zittau Mountains for every newly enrolled student at the HSZG. The planting will take place on November 27, 2024. 15 first-year students can take part. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Ulrike Bobek from .

A wheel of fortune and a longboard

The program was musically framed by the Big Band Klangfarben, which performed with a smaller line-up due to the space available. Cantor Johannes Dette impressed with brilliant sounds on the organ , while culture and management student Romy Wolf enchanted the audience with her violin playing under the motto: "Pop-meets-Classic".

One highlight was the symbolic matriculation ceremony, during which the Rector operated a digital wheel of fortune that told the presenter which faculty she should introduce to the audience next. To do this, she asked one student in the audience and the respective dean a few questions. The entertaining and informative round of introductions, which also included the Studienkolleg, was very well received.

One new student was particularly pleased to be addressed directly by moderator Aileen Baumgärtner. Pia Hegewald, a student of molecular biotechnology, took part in the HSZG competition at the University Information Day in spring and was delighted to win the main prize: an exclusively designed HSZG longboard.

In addition to the awarding of the DAAD Prize 2024 for outstanding achievements by foreign students to Zhaniya Pirmoldayeva from Kazakhstan by the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs Prof. Sophia Keil and the awarding of the prize for special professional and social commitment by foreign students of the Förderverein der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz e. V. to Nina Wrzesinska from Poland by the Chairman Mario Linack, the awarding of this year's Germany Scholarships Welf-Guntram Drossel, Chairman of the University Council, rounded off the varied program.

Capturing the moment

The ceremony in St. John's Church marked the beginning of a successful day of events. Afterwards, they walked across Zittauer Markt to the campus, where the first semester photo was taken. At the get-together in House Z IV , the newly enrolled students, their companions and the numerous HSZG guests celebrated with DJ music, delicious food and cool drinks.

Another highlight was the inauguration of the ZukLOS trailer "Mobile Lernorte" for student recruitment in the field of STEM education. In future, the extracurricular educational landscape of Upper Lusatia will offer even more innovative learning opportunities in the STEM field through the Future Learning Location Upper Lusatia (ZukLOS) project in order to provide young people with individual support. In future, the new Sprinter with trailer will travel to schools and other educational institutions as a decentralized offer to inspire pupils on site with many on-board experiments for STEM subjects.

During the matriculation celebrations on the Zittau campus, the numerous guests were able to be surprised by the offer in person. A big thank you goes to Franziska Schubert at this point. The member of the Saxon state parliament is to thank for the project financing through the acquisition of the so-called PMO funds. Of course, she did not miss the opportunity to perform the inauguration on this day together with the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs and the Chairman of the University Council.

Memories that remain

First-year students who still had unanswered questions, wanted to talk to fellow students or simply make initial contact with their own faculty could get in touch with contacts at the faculty tables and the Studienkolleg information table. Numerous students from higher semesters and staff were on hand to answer questions from newly enrolled students.

Every first-year student had the opportunity to receive a gift from the sponsored by the HSZGsponsored by the HSZG Friends' Association and could find out about the university sports program, the campus app, the DLR and HSZG environmental management at the information stands .

Anyone who wanted to could have a personalized souvenir made at the screen printing stand before taking the shuttle bus to Görlitz. There, the party continued deep into the night at the Maus student club.

Photos: Marcel Schröder
Text: Cornelia Rothe

A big thank you

The event was supported by the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences' Friends and Patrons Association, the HSZG Student Council and many students and staff from the structural units. External trades also helped with the preparation and implementation. A big "thank you" goes to everyone involved!

Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Ihre Ansprechperson
Antje Pfitzner
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4560