Cooperation partners were ceremoniously appointed "Academic Teaching Institutes for Nursing at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences".
It's done! After a long and intensive period of preparation, the new Bachelor's degree course inNursingwill start at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the coming winter semester 2022/23.
"The generalist degree course will open a new chapter in nursing in East Saxony," Prof. Dr. Martin Knoll is certain.
The founding professor of nursing science is particularly proud of the opportunity to use this new course of study to meet the high European standard in nursing, in addition to the existing nursing training at vocational schools. This requires good and reliable practice partners in order to underpin the high practical component of the course in a professionally sound manner.
On Thursday, May 19, 2022, these 18 cooperation partners of the HSZG with a total of 70 nursing facilities in the district of Görlitz received their certificates of appointment as part of their ceremonial appointment as "Academic Teaching Institution for Nursing of the HSZG" as well as a matching house sign to be attached to their nursing facilities.
"A real advertisement for the university and the respective cooperation partner," says Rector Prof. Dr. Alexander Kratzsch. For him, the signs are also a sign of the university's ongoing development. In his speech, he expressly thanked Prof. Dr. Martin Knoll and Prof. Dr. Renate Heese, who both "dealt so intensively with the legal foundations" during the preparation phase. He is convinced that the university team, with the support of State Secretary Dr. Andrea Franke and colleagues from the SMWK, will master the future challenges posed by the Nursing Professions Act.
State Secretary Dr. Andrea Franke highlighted the commitment of the university, which is now the first state university in Saxony to offer such a course. She is convinced that many people will benefit if nursing care becomes even more professionalized and praised the intensive exchange between those responsible at the academic institution and the responsible ministries and the Saxony State Directorate. Academically based care is the future standard.
This opinion is shared by Prof. Dr. Renate Heese, who emphasized that there is sufficient empirical evidence to show that a high proportion of academically qualified nursing staff significantly improves the quality of care. "We need nurses who are able to react flexibly to new challenges in nursing and develop new ideas." With the establishment of the new "Nursing" degree course at the HSZG, young people will be qualified for challenging activities in nursing practice and science for the benefit of all.