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16. January 2020

Business meets science ... at the official New Year's reception

Every year, the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts and the General Business Association of Zittau and the surrounding area meet for their joint New Year's reception at the HSZG.

Of course, it's all about networking, philosophizing about the past year at the buffet and getting the new year off to a good start. But that's not the whole story - because every year there is also something to discover. On the one hand, the event offers a scientifically sound insight into the topic, while on the other, the university opens its doors and invites you to take a closer look at one of its laboratories.

This year, the overall theme of the meeting is "Structural change: regional transformation for the economy and society - what awaits Lusatia?"

The debate about the future of the region is on everyone's lips, and some might think that all sides have already been sufficiently examined. And yet the topic was well placed. After all, who, if not the companies, politicians and educational institutions present, should actively shape structural change?

The energy and environmental economist Prof. Dr. Stefan Zundel from the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Mr. Steffen Söll from the SKM Group in Boxberg gave keynote speeches to get people in the mood for the topic. One gave a scientific-theoretical presentation based on surveys and research, while the other gave a very practical account of everyday life - both very pointed, sometimes slightly provocative, but always fair and interesting. This led to a lively discussion among the panel participants. The two keynote speakers were joined by: Prof. Raj Kollmorgen (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences), Frank Großmann (IHK Görlitz office) and Bert Handschick (Allgemeiner Unternehmerverband Zittau und Umgebung and RTT). The event was moderated by Mr. Nick Pruditsch (IHK Dresden).

Matthias Schwarzbach from the IHK Zittau office was particularly pleased that Professor Alexander Kratzsch, the future rector of the HSZG, presented an excerpt of his visions for the university of the future to the business community in a pointed and vivid manner within the allotted time slot of 10 minutes.

In the end, only Prof. Jens Weber (Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences) stood "between the 130 guests and the buffet", as he himself humorously described his situation. He briefly explained the LaNDER³ project (Lusatian natural fibre composites, decentralized energy, raw materials, resources, recycling) and then the sporting part of the evening began. On the one hand, there was the opportunity to visit the newly opened LaNDER technology center 100m away and, at the same time, there was a run on the buffet.

Looking at the all-male panel, the question of how structural change can be used as an opportunity to attract more female managers to Lusatia remained unanswered.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making the event a success.

Text: Martin Kunack, Kristin Sprechert(Saxony5)

Photo: M.A. Kristin Sprechert
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Kristin Sprechert
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
Project Saxony⁵
02763 Zittau
Outer Oybiner Str. 16
Building Z XII, Room 5
2nd floor
+49 3583 612-4792