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11. November 2020

QUO VADIS Recycling?

Applied research in the field of recycling in cooperation with companies is to be further expanded at the HSZG.

Stakeholders from the recycling industry recently met at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences to talk to each other and the university management. They included the deans of the faculties involved in environmental issues, representatives of the Institute for Process Development, Peat and Natural Materials Research (iTN) and interested representatives of the cooperating recycling industry, above all the Dresden State Association of the Saxon Recycling Industry (LVR). All those present emphasized the importance of recycling, also and above all in order to be able to deal with the current tasks in environmental protection accordingly. For this reason, applied research on recycling at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences will continue to be carried out and expanded in cooperation with companies in the future. This is due to the recycling industry's increased demand for well-trained specialists and research services.  

Dr. Lohmann from LVR e.V. and the representatives of the recycling industry explained the outstanding importance of material and energy recycling for society as a whole in a modern circular economy. The recycling industry is currently expected to grow by more than 10% per year, as increasing recycling rates is a declared environmental policy goal.

The energy-efficient circular economy is an important driver of social and economic change. Only in this way can resources be conserved sustainably and other environmentally relevant issues, such as climate protection, be effectively addressed and resolved. In this context, the high and constantly increasing demand of the recycling industry in Saxony and especially in Upper Lusatia for high-quality research services and very well-trained and committed graduates was also emphasized.   

Dr. Wuschke (Scholz Recycling GmbH Espenhain) emphasized the importance of existing cooperation between industry and the HSZG. The HSZG not only offers high-quality specialist training, but also has an efficient research institute, the iTN Zittau, which is particularly dedicated to researching application-oriented recycling processes. Mr. Handschick from Steinert Unisort GmbH Zittau considers the active integration of the HSZG in the various administrative and specialist networks as well as in the training association for environmental and recycling technology to be indispensable.  

The HSZG offers excellent conditions for teaching and research, particularly in the fields of technical environmental protection and recycling. Very well-equipped laboratories enable high-quality energy and material recycling research. This is a benefit for the entire region - both for science and its transfer to companies and the economy. The HSZG plans to push ahead with this area of research and continue to expand it in line with market requirements. This means that the HSZG is and will remain an important partner for and in the region.  

For young people, studying subjects related to the circular economy or environmental and recycling technology opens up attractive job and career prospects. After all, qualified and well-trained experts are needed to build a strong recycling industry in Saxony and especially in Upper Lusatia. The HSZG provides this specialist knowledge in an innovative and attractive way.

This is where the circular economy and environmental and recycling technology come in:
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jürgen Schoenherr
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 129
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4804
ZIRKON | Zittau Institute for Process Development, Circular Economy, Surface Technology, Natural Materials Research
02763 Zittau
Friedrich-Schneider-Strasse 26
Building Z IX, Room 112
Upper floor
+49 3583 612-4804