Message details

10. November 2022

Netzwerk Fluchtforschung - Networking with Forced Migration Researchers

Monique Ritter is spokesperson for the "Flight and Work" working group in the Flight Research Network.

Together with Marina Ruth, M. A., (University of Duisburg-Essen; Institute for Work and Qualification), Monique Ritter is involved in the Refugee Research Network as spokesperson for the working group "Refugees and Work".

The topics of flight and work are interwoven in many ways, for example with regard to residence law and social policy issues, recognition issues, social integration in the workplace and social participation as well as racist exclusions and agency perspectives. The "Refugees and Work" working group therefore deals with a broad range of topics, which the members of the working group consider from multiple perspectives in their research work and practice-related action contexts.

In public discourse, the pursuit of gainful employment is seen as central to the "integration" of immigrants. With regard to the organization of labour market access for refugees, it can be observed that the partial labour market for them includes the "shadow economy" in addition to gainful employment subject to social security contributions, which offers access to welfare state security systems.

Overall, the participation of refugees in the labor market is caught between legal residence barriers and (racist) exclusions, "integration measures" and utilitarian considerations, with new immigrants being specifically placed in so-called "shortage occupations", for example. However, these are often characterized by precarious working conditions and a low social standing.

From the perspective of refugees, taking up gainful employment plays a central role. Access to gainful employment can lead to financial independence, an increase in self-esteem and a sense of belonging and represents an essential form of social participation. In addition, taking up gainful employment is often the starting point for longer-term prospects of remaining in Germany, e.g. for tolerated persons, for obtaining/extending a residence permit or in the course of applying for a settlement permit and naturalization. While taking up gainful employment is therefore often useful for obtaining a "secure" residence permit, refugees are confronted with a number of structural hurdles when it comes to accessing employment (e.g. when it comes to the recognition of educational and professional qualifications or access to suitable employment).

Goals of the AK Flight and Work

The aim of the working group is to jointly discuss and reflect on the theoretical, methodological, practical and ethical challenges of research work in the field of flight and work. In addition, the working group strives to further develop German-based research on "labor market integration" and the positioning of refugees on labor markets by pooling empirical findings and interdisciplinary perspectives. The working group sees itself as open and is supported by the self-organized commitment of its members.

The content is therefore largely determined by the interests and needs of its members.

Anyone interested in joining the working group is welcome to contact the coordinators.

Monique Ritter
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Dr. phil.
Monique Ritter
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 0.05
First floor
+49 3581 374-4664
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 315
3rd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4664