Lecture at the opening of the exhibition "Rethinking Physics"
The traveling exhibition RETHINKING PHYSICS opened at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden on International Women's Day on March 8. The exhibition was conceived by the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat - Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter at the Universities of Würzburg and Dresden to mark the United Nations International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.
Prof. Dr. Monique Ritter (Lanshut University of Applied Sciences, former TRAWOS member) and Bernadette Rohlf (research associate at TRAWOS) were invited to speak about their research. After a welcome address by Roland Schwarz (Director TSD) and Matthias Vojta (Spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat), the lecture "Gender equality in science? -Inequalities in dealing with sexist practices in the STEM subjects", the experiences and explanatory patterns of women in the academic STEM field were discussed. The women are challenged in a professional context by sexist paternalism and organizationally and emotionally by the unequal distribution of care work and the incompatibility of an academic career with self-determined family planning. When they talk about their experiences, however, they emphasize their individual scope for action and their own strength and capabilities, which makes it difficult to problematize the underlying structures. In the subsequent tour of the exhibition, the topics of the lecture were discussed further and experiences were exchanged.