18. June 2018

Workshop "Regional identities"

Further develop regional marketing and development concepts to sharpen and strengthen regional identities.

We are experiencing increasing spatial polarization in Saxony. The background to this is people's migration behavior. While a few growth poles benefit from massive immigration, most cities and rural districts in Saxony suffer from migration to the winning regions. These migration patterns, which are difficult to explain in purely economic terms, can lead to a vicious demographic circle if the feeling of being "left behind" spreads in a region.
Against this backdrop, the so-called "retention factors" are of fundamental importance for the demographic stabilization of a region. In addition to personal factors such as family ties and friendship networks, these also include "soft" regional factors, which can be summarized under the term regional identity.

The participants should
- identify the identity anchors for their region,
- develop measures to make these identity anchors "more visible" in the region and
- jointly consider which regional cooperation partners they need for this.

<link file:50150 _blank download file>You can find the program here.


Participation by invitation only. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Kofner.


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stefan Kofner

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

