"Against the grain. Cultural policy in the past and present of Saxony"

In cooperation with the district of Görlitz and the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure Saxony, the HSZG invites you to a symposium with keynote speeches from science and practice as well as a panel discussion.

Begin 24. May 2024 - 14:00 Uhr
End 24. May 2024 - 19:00 Uhr

Thirty years ago - on August 1, 1994 - the Saxon Cultural Areas Act came into force. In the same month, the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure Saxony was founded to accompany the Cultural Areas Act in research & teaching. Shortly afterwards, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Institute founded the "Culture and Management" degree program in Görlitz, which now has around 500 graduates who are successfully working all over the world.

We want to celebrate 30 years of the Saxon Cultural Areas Act, 30 years of the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure Saxony and 27 years of "Culture and Management Görlitz" on Friday, May 24, 2024, in Görlitz together with you and with our university lecturer Matthias Theodor Vogt, the "father" of the law. After 27 years at the university, he will bid farewell with a speech on the future of cultural spaces in Saxony. In cooperation with the district of Görlitz and the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure Saxony, we invite you to a symposium with keynote speeches from academia and practice as well as a panel discussion. 

When: May 24, 2024, starting at 2:00 pm

Where: Large lecture hall G I 1.01 of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Brückenstr. 1, D-02826 Görlitz

We don't just want to celebrate and engage in navel-gazing within Saxony, we also want to receive external input on the past and present of cultural policy in order to think together about the next thirty years of cultural spaces in Saxony. We have invited speakers from the Council of Europe, Tokyo, Riga, Naples, Krakow, Marburg and, of course, Görlitz, who will present core elements of state, municipal and independent cultural policy "against the grain" in impulses and short lectures. This will be followed by a discussion with the Chairwoman of the Culture Committee in the Saxon State Parliament, members of the Cultural Senate and Cultural Convention as well as representatives of the art scene.

Register now!

Today, as rarely before, we need clever ideas so that we can successfully lead our cultural infrastructure into the future. Once again, we should think "against the grain". With this in mind, we look forward to your visit on May 24 and your thoughts! We would be grateful for your binding registration by April 30, 2024 to  or . Please use the form below.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil. Matthias Theodor Vogt
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil.
Matthias Theodor Vogt
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 3
Building G IV, Room 2.22
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4363