18. July 2022

#bethechange - Our life. Our responsibility.

HSZG recruits prospective students who want to make a difference.

Generation-Z: This is the name of the current main target group for student recruitment at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. Young people, born between 1997 and 2012, who long for security and self-realization. Who want to live in a world that will be preserved for future generations and are quite prepared to do their bit. This creates a new relationship between people, nature and technology. Sustainability and authenticity are more in demand than ever before.

This is exactly where the HSZG comes in when recruiting students - as an environmentally conscious institution with great potential for the development of interests and ideas.

Three campaigns were developed under the hashtag #bethechange . Adapted to promote the new degree courses, B. Sc. Nursing and Engineering Pedagogy Mechanical Engineering, as well as for general student recruitment across all universities. The motto  #bethechange- Be the change! is not only the guiding principle of these three new films, but also runs through all coordinated marketing measures in terms of content and color. The aim is to draw the attention of prospective students throughout Germany to the university in the three-country region. 

"With the new #bethechange advertising campaign, we want to address precisely those future students who want to make a difference with their studies and give something back to society in a wide variety of areas. Change starts with them - for them." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector

Three campaign films 

The three campaign films are distributed and broadcast on the Internet and in cinemas across the country to promote the degree programs and the university as a whole. In them we show: Our life. Our responsibility. Always with the central message in mind: Do you want to change something? Then be the change yourself - #bethechange. The campaign was developed specifically for the target group that moves online.

"Do you know what it feels like to change someone's life? Study nursing now!" This sentence gets under your skin and forms the closing words of the campaign film for the newly introduced B. Sc. Nursing. Careers in nursing are more of a vocation than a profession. The advertising film shows the "naked" facts. Honest, no fake, no filter.

"You may not know it yet, but you - you will change the world." The film for the new degree course in Mechanical Engineering Education starts with this sentence. Teacher: a dream job for many young people. The film shows the development of two young girls who are fascinated and amazed as they discover the world and its scientific connections. What could be more natural than passing this knowledge on to the next generation?

"Let's not count the days, let's make every day count." The cross-university film takes viewers on a journey with the aim of breaking new ground together for a better future. It illustrates what counts, namely taking the first step towards sustainable studies together and collectively. You and I - we bring about change.

A big thank you goes to all those involved in front of and behind the camera!
  • all the actors in the films: students, HSZG employees and their family members and friends
  • the employees and management of the care facility Familienunternehmen Kunze GmbH
  • the study program representatives and employees of the HSZG involved in the implementation of the campaign
Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Antje Pfitzner
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3031