HSCG students learn and work in virtual, intercultural teams, taking into account the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This year, students on the Bachelor's degree course in Tourism in the Leisure and Cultural Studies module once again took part in the Working Across Borders project. In times of the Covid 19 pandemic, the intercultural project was a good opportunity for students to work together internationally and virtually.
The innovative Working Across Borders project was born four years ago. Initially, five international partner institutions took part. Since then, the project has grown and become much more international over the years. As a result, 575 students from 11 countries took part this time.
The following colleges and universities were involved alongside the HSZG:
Students from these institutions worked together in 115 teams from the kick-off meeting in October until December. During this time, they were supervised by professors and staff from the participating institutions.
On the one hand, the focus was on imparting cultural knowledge and intercultural skills. On the other hand, the students were to work together as international business consultants for one country at a time. The aim was to develop creative business models based on selected UN sustainability goals for the "Seventh Generations" product line.
What is it like to take part in Working Across Borders as a student? The students look back and give tips for their successors.
The students were very convincing with their ideas and projects. In many teams, there was a lively and wonderful collaboration, during which friendships developed alongside sustainable and forward-looking ideas for the target countries.
Finally, on December 17, the "Final Session" for this year took place, in which the best, most innovative and funniest projects as well as the "Coaches Choice" by Hanneke Willenborg (Seventh Generation) were chosen. As the class was very strong, it was difficult to choose from so many wonderful ideas. Among the award-winning teams were also students from the HSZG.
Studying without borders: More than just a motto for us!
Here is the link to the final ceremony, for which all participants joined the Global Classroom at Durham College Canada: https://durhamcollege.ca/globalclass/class/working-across-borders-2020/